
1st Annual Symposium 2020

​Conference details

The 1st Annual Online Symposium will be held on 16 and 17 September 2020 online on the Institute’s collaborate platform. It will focus on “Internationalisation and multiculturalism in Maltese education and society”.

The Symposium is an opportunity for Master and Doctoral graduates, Doctoral candidates and researchers to present their recent work on the theme and create synergies between educators and policy makers. It is directed at Maltese and foreign researchers to present their recent research findings that can contribute to the further development of the Maltese education sector.

The themes to be explored during the1st Annual Symposium are:

  • Internationalisation and multiculturalism in Maltese society
  • Internationalisation and multiculturalism in schools
  • Working in international and multicultural schools
  •  Effective international and multicultural practices in schools and society


The draft agenda and the book of abstracts of the papers to be presented during the parallel sessions are available for download here​.​


The first edition of the Malta Journal of Education containing the full articles of the papers presented during the parallel sessions is available for download here.

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