Pedagogical Perspectives of Agribusiness
This module was developed to assist participants to master the skills of modern educational thinking as applied to Agribusiness Education. Participants will have the opportunity to debate the realities of a diverse classroom and realise the best approaches in terms of both learning and assessment. Additionally, they will be undertaking hands-on activities in relation to animal handling and scientific experiments to develop skills in delivering an educational experience of good quality.
By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:
a. Manage multiple intelligences within the same Agribusiness classroom;
b. Design effective assessment techniques in Agribusiness Education;
c. Create learning experiences through site visits;
d. Conduct scientific experiments as part of the Agribusiness teaching approach;
e. Handle animals safely as fit for the Agribusiness learning environment.
a. Outline the principles of Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences;
b. Comprehend Bloom’s taxonomy with respect to multiple learning styles and assessment instruments;
c. Identify appropriate tasks as fit for various Agribusiness classroom scenarios;
d. Match suitable scientific experiments to complement Agribusiness teaching;
e. Identify risks when handling animals.
a. Produce different assessment instruments for different learning styles;
b. Operate in a classroom by using approaches that meet the needs of different learning styles;
c. Prepare and conduct practical sessions in a Science lab that are suitable for Agribusiness Education;
d. Handle animals safely whilst still keeping in mind the welfare of the animal and that students achieve the best possible hands-on experience;
e. Asses the learning style of the students to obtain the best possible pedagogical experience;
f. Justify best balance between theory, science practicals and agronomic practicals for the best educational experience;
g. Evaluate the current situation of an animal in relation to the safety of the student and the welfare of the animal;
h. Work with peers as a means of sharing of experience;
i. Write scientific style reports;
j. Develop study and research skills needed to manage diverse classrooms;
k. Develop tools / techniques which engage and motivate students in their learning;
l. Use word processer software to produce documents suitable for academic presentation;
m. Use data loggers and process results using the correct software.
This module adopts a blended approach to teaching and learning. Information related to the structure and delivery of the module may be accessed through the IfE Portal. For further details, kindly refer to the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy and Procedures found on the Institute for Education’s website.
This programme adopts continuous and summative methods of assessment including assignments, online tasks, reflective journals, projects and video presentations. For further details, kindly refer to the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy and Procedures.
The Institute for Education is a Further and Higher Education Institution with Licence number 2016-006
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