Cutting Hair
Colour and Design combine two of the most complex and exciting aspects integral to the services
provided by a professional hairdresser. Colouring is an exciting and difficult aspect of contemporary
hairdressing. The increasing demands and expectations of clients, together with health and safety
awareness, new techniques and products have made the application of safe special effects necessary
for the industry. On the other hand, ‘creativity’ is associated with artistic interpretation and
geometric understanding and design. The learner needs to bring together the skills of artistic
perception, practical ability, sound knowledge and competence.
Following this module, learners will demonstrate a command of all colours, bleach and colour
reducer’s techniques and applications. In doing so, they will cover:
a. How colour works and the effect of different chemicals on the client’s hair structure.
b. How natural pigments affect hair colour.
c. The different peroxide strengths and their use
d. The Ph. Scale and how different colours vary in Alkalinity and Acidity.
e. The effect of permanent oxidation dyes and bleaches on the hair shaft.
f. The danger of not following all health and safety precautions and the consequence of
adverse chemical reactions to chemicals already on the hair shaft.
g. The ability to evaluate any contraindications and limiting factors for each client.
h. The importance of following manufacturer’s instructions
i. The importance of research.
j. The inter relationship between Colour and Design Principles.
By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:
a) Demonstrate ability in providing a professional colouring service following appropriate standard procedures;
b) Use appropriate precautions to reduce risk;
c) Counteract any adverse influencing factors and Minimise damage to hair and scalp;
d) Implement client requirements using different techniques;
e) Develop an understanding of design elements and principles in the creative process of hairdressing;
f) Engage with literature in building own knowledge and skills in relation to hair colour and design;
g) Create lessons encompassing both the creative as well as health and safety aspects of hair colour and design.
a) Identify client needs and requirements/communication;
b) Explain the importance of colour tests and how they influence the colouring process;
c) Explain the effect of colours, bleaches and colour reducers on the hair and scalp;
d) Explain the principles of colour selection;
e) Explain the types and causes of problems that may occur during the lightening process;
f) Explain the effects of temperature when using the colour and bleaching products;
g) Outline health and safety consideration;
h) Explain the appropriate colour correction techniques;
i) Identify influencing factors and contra indications;
j) Explain what is meant by the international colour chart;
k) Explain the difference between bleaching agents and permanent colour
l) List the different types of permanent colour;
m) Explain the principles of colour and pigmentation;
n) Explain the process of restoring lost pigment;
o) Outline the history of hairdressing;
p) Explain the principles of design;
q) Explain elements of design;
r) Identify teaching approaches suitable for lessons related to hair colour and design.
a) Communicate and understand client requirements;
b) Carry out tests in accordance with specified procedures;
c) Accurately choose and apply colour taking into account critical influencing factors;
d) Accurately section the hair to achieve the desired look;
e) Follow manufacturer’s instructions when mixing and measuring;
f) Remove colour and bleach from the scalp as soon as the desired effect has been achieved;
g) Perform colour correction;
h) Apply colours, bleaches and colour reducers on the hair and scalp using different techniques;
i) Resolve any problems identified during the colouring process;
j) Undertake a risk-assessment in the work environment;
k) Demonstrate safe work practices;
l) Accurately update client records;
m) Apply design elements and principles on a model;
n) Assess methodology adopted for the teaching, learning and assessment of hair colour and design;
o) Support students through feedback.
This module adopts a blended approach to teaching and learning. Information related to the structure and delivery of the module may be accessed through the IfE Portal. For further details, kindly refer to the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy and Procedures found on the Institute for Education’s website.
This programme adopts continuous and summative methods of assessment including assignments, online tasks, reflective journals, projects and video presentations. For further details, kindly refer to the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy and Procedures.
The Institute for Education is a Further and Higher Education Institution with Licence number 2016-006
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