
Nutrition and Diets

ECTS Value: 6 ECTS


Overall Objectives and Outcomes

This module will explore nutrition concepts as components which often influence consumers in their food choice. This directly affects the hospitality industry. This module will combine nutrition sciences with some aspects of the culinary arts. The approach is an application of the science and practice of healthy cooking. It will introduce the students to nutritional menu planning, recipe modification, and dietary guidelines. It will cover areas of basic human dietary needs, components of balanced diets, the food guide pyramid, and options of healthier cooking techniques. Students will participate in current issues, research, relevance and interconnections between food, its’ preparation and the consumer. 

The module will also expose the students to dietary restrictions, the association between diet and disease, and various cooking practices that could be modified when influenced by nutritional requirements. In addition, this module will discuss methods of teaching Nutrition and Diets to students by following the relevant syllabus and information provided by local education authorities. 

By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:


a. Critically review the importance of nutrition, particularly within the Hospitality industry where the provision of quality food and beverage is a core component within this sector, and identify the main principles of contemporary nutritional issues, e.g. vegetarianism, heart healthy diets, high

b. Critically assess the various technical processes and components related to nutrition, e.g. the industrial hydrogenation, the function of lipids, vitamins, un-refined carbohydrates, fats and oils, and develop a critical understanding of how all this can be incorporated in different cooking
programmes targeted for different client;

c. Analyse the effects that good guidance to clients with special nutrional requirements has on the overall Hospitality sector, particularly with regard to a restaurant environment, where the provision of food and beverage service has to keep high standards when it comes to taste, healthy
menus and presentation;

d. Develop a comprehensive understanding of healthy cooking techniques, particularly on ways todecrease calorie content and reduce micronutrient losses in cooking and evaluate the resources required that will help one to identify the recommended dietary allowances for healthy



a. Outline the core nutritional terms and define the chemistry of macro-nutrients and how these are digested and absorbed by the human body;

b. Describe the benefits of un-refined carbohydrates and develop ways how to increase whole grains in their cooking;

c. Identify the importance of the digestive system and comprehend the process by which proteins, lipids and other nutrients are digested;

d. Define the functions of various vitamins and their benefits to the human body and outline the sources of food from the Food Guide Pyramid from which such vitamins may be obtained;

e. Describe the importance of healthy eating patterns throughout one’s lifetime, namely: pregnancy; infancy; adulthood and the elderly age and outline how this can affect the Body Mass Index of an individual and reduce the risk of complications such as diabetes and hypercholesterolemia;

f. Explain the benefits of a Mediterranean diet and describe how this can reduce the risk of specific conditions such as dyslipidaemia.



a. Provide basic nutritional advice to individuals with specific dietary requirements

b. Apply an enquiring, problem solving, and reflective approach to nutrition research;

c. Prepare at least five strategies that will promote the Mediterranean diet and outline how this can enhance healthy eating;

d. Evaluate different diets and prepare related menus while discussing possible restrictions in terms of specific dietary conditions;

e. Identify the major sectors of the economy and industry groups related to Hospitality and discuss how adequate nutritional training can be an added skill to a prospective employee working in a restaurant environment;

f. Determine which diets are adequate for different segments of people;

g. Critically evaluate nutrition and the nutritional value of different types of food provided in specific diets;

h. Communicate properly, either verbally or through writing, about nutrition and different diets;

i. Decide on the best way of passing on messages about the subject matter to students, peers or the general public;

j. Manage the time adequately while focusing on the two areas of study, i.e. nutrition and diets;

k. Set study goals and monitor the self-study required to obtain the necessary knowledge about this module;

l. Search for online resources related to nutrition and diets;

m. Use specific programmes such as PowerPoint to create presentation related to the subject. 


Assessment Methods

This programme adopts continuous and summative methods of assessment including assignments, online tasks, reflective journals, projects and video presentations. For further details, kindly refer to the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy and Procedures.

Suggested Readings

Core Reading List
1. Desai, B.B. 2000. Handbook of Nutrition and Diet (Food Science and Technology Series) Vol. 104. Marcel Dekker: New York.
2. Drummond, K.E., & Brefere, L. M. 2013. Nutrition for Foodservice and Culinary Professionals, 8th Edition. New Jersey, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
3. Hickson, M and Sarah, S. 2018. Advanced Nutrition and Dietetics Support in Nutrition Support. John Wiley and Sons Ltd.: Oxford
4. Marcus, J.B. 2013. Culinary Nutrition: The Science and Practice of Healthy Cooking. Elsevier: Illinois.  

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