
Health and Social Care Pedagogy and Assessment

ECTS Value: 10 ECTS

Contact Hours: 50

Self Study Hours: 120

Assessment Hours: 80


Overall Objectives and Outcomes

This unit will help course participants to the use of the latest pedagogy skills required to teach Health and Social Care in vocational education. Candidates will be exposed to different models and teaching techniques, to be able to better understand and respond to learners’ needs. This will be done through formation of vocational identity, reconciliation of subject-orientated and thematic material, development of reflection and self-regulation skills. The multidimensional framework for vocational pedagogy will be discussed derived from the concept of strategies such as demonstration, practice and feedback implemented by the educators for learning to occur. 

Course participants will also support students’ learning through the appropriate assessment which is vital in vocational education and training (VET). Assessment is crucial to classify and grade students, give appropriate feedback and supports teachers to structure their teaching accordingly. Assessment procedures have to be authentic, practical and valid. In vocational education, assessment is competence based. It provides real feedback to students and its purpose is to guide and optimise learning. In order to achieve this, educators should encourage peer and self-assessments which will help in developing very important skills such as reflection, critical thinking and self-awareness. If assessments are well designed, they will encourage active learning.

By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:


a. Develop lesson plans that motivate and enhance student’s interpersonal capabilities and social learning whilst teaching health and social care within the vocational education system;
b. Develop lessons that focus on hands-on, practical, experiential activities and real-world scenarios;
c. Create a student environment which stimulates learning by providing appropriate feedback, adequate questioning techniques, theoretical explanations, application and reflection as required;
d. Produce a valid and reliable assessment tool through the writing of an Assignment Brief, which includes observation sheets and marking scheme;
e. Advise students on their health and social care learning development;
f. Develop an understanding of the key aspects of vocational subjects in relation to other subjects within the National Curriculum Framework;
g. Develop an understanding of the VET Subject Learning Outcomes (SLO), namely the Knowledge, Comprehension and Application Criteria. 


a. Identify the aims, content and concepts of vocational pedagogy and be able to reflect on them;
b. Identify the different MQF Levels in the health and social care subject syllabus;
c. Identify specific attributes related to enquiry-based learning when teaching a vocational subject;
d. Identify the engaging and active learning approaches, exploring the different sectors within the health and social care industry;
e. Identify the vocational education needs to be taught in the context of practical problem-solving, whilst creating a sense of learner ownership of the learning process;
f. Identify existing challenges and barriers to successfully applying different pedagogies in VET and how these may be overcome;
g. Identify which criteria should be assessed in the assignment brief and which ones should be covered in the controlled assessment;
h. Describe the different assessment tools needed for assessing the various tasks in the assignment brief;
i. Outline the verification process in the VET System for quality assurance purposes. 


a. Demonstrate knowledge about vocational contexts in a health and social care setting, including people, places, cultures and the complex demands these bring with them;
b. Apply cross curricular, thematic techniques and pedagogies related to vocational education during lessons;
c. Identify collaborative approach methods to teaching and learning;
d. Create an environment that reflects real life situations and encourages transfer of skills from one learning area to another;
e. Show creativity and innovation by presenting health and social care skills in a vocational context in an applied and practical way;
f. Apply theoretical knowledge to the current healthcare system, linking to the various settings that students will eventually be exposed to;
g. Design a fair, reliable and authentic assignment brief;
h. Create a reliable marking scheme;
i. Design different observation sheets to be used when assessing the various application criteria in the subject content.  

Mode of Delivery

This module adopts a blended approach to teaching and learning. Information related to the structure and delivery of the module may be accessed through the IfE Portal. For further details, kindly refer to the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy and Procedures found on the Institute for Education’s website.

Assessment Methods

This programme adopts continuous and summative methods of assessment including assignments, online tasks, reflective journals, projects and video presentations. For further details, kindly refer to the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy and Procedures.

Suggested Readings

Core Reading List
1. Australian National Training Authority. (2005). Contextualising Teaching and Learning: A Guide for VET Teachers. Melbourne: Australian Training Products Limited.
2. Billet, S. (2011). Vocational Education. Purposes, Traditions and Prospects. Netherlands: Springer Publishers.
3. CEDEFOP. (2015). Vocational pedagogies and benefits for learners: practices and challenges in Europe, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union,
4. Ingle, S. and Duckworth, V. (2013) Teaching and Training Vocational Learners. UK: Sage Publications Ltd.
5. Lucas, B., Spences, E. and Claxton, G. (2012). How to teach in vocational education: A theory of vocational pedagogy. UK: City and Guilds Centre for Skills and Development. [Available at:].
6. Nore H, and Lahn L. (2014). Bridging the Gap between Work and Education in Vocational Education and Training. A study of Norwegian Apprenticeship Training Offices and E-portfolio Systems, International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training (IJRVET,) Vol. 1, No. 1: 21-34,
7. Polidano, C. and Tabasso, D. (2014). Making it real: the benefits of workplace learning in uppersecondary vocational education and training courses. Economics of Education Review, 42, pp. 130-146.
8. Gardner, J. (2009). AFL, Assessment for Learning, A Practical Guide: CCEAA CCEA publication.
9. Greer, I. (2019). The Vocational Assessor Handbook: Including a Guide to the QCF Units for Assessment and Internal Quality Assurance (IQA): Kogan Page Publishers.
10. Dial, E. (2016). Assessment for Learning: A Practical Approach for the Classroom: Rowman & Littlefield Publications. 


Supplementary Reading List
1. Grootenboer, P, Edwards-Groves, C, Choy, S. (2017). Practice Theory Perspectives on Pedagogy and Education. Singapore: Springer Publishers.
2. Mulder, M. (2017). Competence-based vocational and professional education. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.


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