
Implementing the Physical Education Curriculum.

ECTS Value: 5 ECTS

Contact Hours: 25

Self Study Hours: 60

Assessment Hours: 40


Overall Objectives and Outcomes

By the end of this module, the course participant will be fluent with the aims of Physical Education. Consideration will be given to how the different standards in Physical Education can be derived through different curriculum models. Course participants will become well conversed with the implementation of the Learning Outcomes Framework as adopted in Maltese schools, whilst considering a whole school approach to increase physical activity. Course participants will create schemes of work and lesson plans for units in Physical Education and provide evidence for student learning. This will help to determine teaching and learning effectiveness. Additionally, participants will determine possible solutions to current issues such as obesity, co-ed, health promotion, mvpa in PE and barriers to school PE.

By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:


a. Create schemes of work and lesson plans for different PE areas;
b. Establish a plan to achieve specific learning outcomes through different PE areas using a specific curriculum model;
c. Establish evidence for student learning and appropriate assessment procedures for various PE areas.  


a. Determine aims and standards for a physically educated person;
b. Detail different types of physical activities which can be included in the PE programme to achieve specific learning outcomes;
c. Describe how issues such as obesity and co-ed can be tackled at school level by applying particular curriculum models and achieving specific learning outcomes.  


a. Plan and design physical activities that help to achieve specific learning outcomes;
b. Create different physical activities specific to the PE area which will enhance maximum time on task and a good level of mvpa during the lesson. 


Assessment Methods

This programme adopts continuous and summative methods of assessment including assignments, online tasks, reflective journals, projects and video presentations. For further details, kindly refer to the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy and Procedures.

Suggested Readings

Core Reading List
1. Giles-Brown, L. (2006) Physical Education Assessment Toolkit. Human Kinetics.
2. Magill R.A. & Anderson D. (2016) Motor Learning and Control: Concepts and Applications 11th Edition. McGraw Hill Education.
3. Schmidt, R. & Lee, T. (2014) Motor Learning and Performance 5th Edition with Web Study Guide: From Principles to Application. Human Kinetics.
4. Kastrup, V. & Kleindienst-Cachay, C. (2016) Reflective co-education’ or male-oriented physical education? Teachers’ views about activities in co-educational PE classes at German secondary schools. Sport, Education and Society Vol. 21, (7), 963-984.
5. Institute of Medicine (2013) Educating the Student Body: Taking Physical Activity and Physical Education to School. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.
6. National Association for Sport and Physical Education. (2004) Moving into the future: National standards for physical education. Reston, Va: NASPE Publications.
7. Shape America (2015) The Essential Components of Physical Education. Society of Health and Physical Educators.
8. Barker, D., Quennerstedt, M. & Annerstedt, C. (2015) Learning through group work in physical education: a symbolic interactionist approach, Sport, Education and Society, 20:5, 604-623, DOI: 10.1080/13573322.2014.962493
9. Quennerstedt, M., Annerstedt, C., Barker, D., Karlefors, I., Larsson, H., Redelius, K.,
& Öhman,M. (2014). What did they learn in school today? A method for exploring aspects of learning in physical education. European Physical Education Review, 20, 282–302. doi:10.1177/1356336X14524864 

Supplementary Reading List
1. Institute of Medicine 2015. Physical Activity: Moving Toward Obesity Solutions: Workshop Summary. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.
2. Beni, S., Fletcher, T. & Chróinín D.N. (2017) Meaningful Experiences in Physical Education and Youth Sport: A Review of the Literature, Quest, 69, (3), 291-312, DOI: 10.1080/00336297.2016.1224192.
3. Masters, G.N. (2014) Assessment: Getting to the essence. Designing the Future (1), 1-6. Retrieved from

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