Developing a Sense of Initiative and Entrepreneurship
This module helps learners understand what is referred to by a sense of initiative and entrepreneurship as well as why it is important to foster this both on a personal (home and society) as well as on a professional (workplace) level.
Learners will be equipped with various skills to plan and manage projects in order to achieve objectives in a creative, pioneering and risk-taking manner. They will also be trained and empowered to foster a sense of initiative and entrepreneurship amongst their students as well as nurture them with innovative attitudes and skills to be able to solve problems in a creative manner and take on opportunities in any social scenario.
The module will help learners engage in fora to exchange ideas and learn from each other on how to nurture the ability to turn ideas into action. They will also embark on critical reflections on nation-wide initiatives and evaluate them from a professional point of view. Lastly, the module will help learners identify opportunities and ideas and convert them into social, cultural and educational value, both for themselves as well as for others.
By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:
a. Determine specific contexts in their life at home and in the community as well as at their place of work and understand that these contexts offer opportunities for initiative;
b. Develop specific skills to be able to turn these opportunities into social projects, while promoting good governance of the project;
c. Develop an entrepreneurial attitude by focusing on being pro-active, independent, motivated, determined and innovative as well as work with objectives/goals;
d. Understand that this attitude can be both an individual as well as a collective competence and so the entrepreneurs can be groups and organizations (such as schools) and not only individuals.
a. Systematically understand the key aspects of having a sense of initiative and entrepreneurship;
b. Identify personal and professional opportunities which are not in a vacuum but within a broader structure (the Maltese education system, the Maltese network of school colleges, the number of classrooms within a given school etc);
c. Learn how to sustain such opportunities in an ethical manner;
d. Learn how to face the challenges such opportunities present.
a. Function both as an individual as well as a part of a team in light of such projects.
b. Systematically comprehend what is meant by entrepreneurial education as well as discuss traditional and innovative pedagogies in entrepreneurial education.
c. Foster a sense of proactivity when managing a project (plan, organise, manage, lead, delegate and evaluate) from start to finish.
This programme adopts continuous and summative methods of assessment including assignments, online tasks, reflective journals, projects and video presentations. For further details, kindly refer to the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy and Procedures.
1. Morselli, D, 2017, Teaching the European key competence of the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship, accessed 18 January 2018
2. Komarkova, I. et al, 2015, Entrepreneurship Competence: An Overview of Existing Concepts, Policies and Initiatives, accessed 18 January 2018
3. Neck, H., Greene, P. and Bush, C. (2014). Teaching entrepreneurship. [Cheltenham]: Edward Elgar Publ.
1. Morselli, D (2018) Teaching a sense of initiative and entrepreneurship with constructive alignment in tertiary non-business contexts, accessed 19 January 2018 https://doi.org/10.1108/ET-06-2017-0093
2. CE/EACEA/Eurydice (2016). Entrepreneurship Education at School in Europe. Eurydice Report. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union
3. Rosendahl Huber, L., Sloof, R., & Van Praag, M. (2012). The effect of early entrepreneurship education: Evidence from a randomized field experiment.
The Institute for Education is a Further and Higher Education Institution with Licence number 2016-006
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