
Physical Education for the Primary Classroom

ECTS Value: 4 ECTS


Overall Objectives and Outcomes

This module aims to sensitise the class teachers with the content of physical education in liaison with the peripatetic PE teacher to ensure that students are provided with better quality PE lessons. The main subject areas covered in Primary Physical Education are activities in: Fundamentals, Athletics, Games, Gymnastics, Dance, Outdoor, and Swimming.

By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:


a. Devise a PE lesson in the specific subject area and in conjunction with the PE peripatetic teacher;
b. Conduct a PE lesson with a class of students concentrating on the outcomes of the particular subject area;
c. Assess the students’ progress.


a. Acquire practical knowledge in all the Physical Education subject areas (with the exception of swimming) and be confident with the outcomes enlisted in the primary PE curriculum that need to be achieved;
b. Inform how to progress in any specific subject area;
c. Illustrate specific movements required in each of the subject areas;
d. Plan lessons on each of these subject areas.


a. Demonstrate movement skills that are required in line with the expected outcomes;
b. Support students and show them how to modify their performance to progress further;
c. Devise activities that enhance high time on task and enable students to have many repetitions of the task.


Assessment Methods

This programme adopts continuous and summative methods of assessment including assignments, online tasks, reflective journals, projects and video presentations. For further details, kindly refer to the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy and Procedures.

Suggested Readings

Core Reading List

1. Ministry of Education & Employment (2013) PE Curriculum – The Primary Years (Years 1-6)

2. Lundvall, S. (2015) Physical Literacy in the field of Physical Education – A challenge and a possibility. Journal of Sport & Health Science 4 (2) 113-118.PHE Canada (2017) What is Physical Literacy? Available at [Accessed on 16 Dec 2017]

3. Australian Sports Commission (2017) The Draft – Australian Physical Literacy Standard. Available at al_Literacy_Standard_-_Explaining_the_Standard.pdf [Accessed on 18 Dec 2017]

4. TES (2017) Primary Physical Education Resources. Available at [Accessed on 18December 2017]

5. PE Central (2017) What works in Physical Education. Available at [Accessed on 18 December 2017]

6. Primary Resources Available at [Accessed on 18 December 2017]

7. PE Games Available at [Accessed on 18 December 2017]

Supplementary Reading List

1. SHAPE America (2014) National Standards & Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education Society of Health and Physical Educators

2. Australian Sports Commission (2017) Physical Literacy. Available at [Accessed on 18 December 2017]

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