
Sewing Tools and Equipment including Health and Safety

ECTS Value: 5 ECTS


Overall Objectives and Outcomes

This unit will help learners to determine which sewing tools and equipment are required in order to master the required sewing skills. Learners will broaden their knowledge on different tools and equipment and enhance their skills in using this equipment. Moreover, attention will be given to health and safety aspects in relation to the use of these tools as well as the textiles and fashion environment. The unit will focus on the following topics: 

  • Sewing Tools and their use with attention to Health and Safety 
  • Measuring Tools 
  • Cutting Tools 
  • Sewing Tools 
  • Pressing Equipment 

 By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:


a. Engage with literature to develop a comprehensive understanding of equipment and tools in the sewing industry;
b. Develop skills in using different cutting, sewing, measuring, marking and pressing tools;
c. Develop a comprehensive understanding of the health and safety legislations related to the textiles and fashion environment;
d. Critically evaluate situations where potential hazards can be avoided in relation to health and safety legislation.  



a. Identify the equipment and sewing tools used in the Textiles and fashion industry;
b. Identify the various measuring, sewing and cutting tools used in the textiles industry;
c. Research basic processes involved in textiles and garment production;
d. Describe the various pressing equipment used in the textiles industry;
e. Identify through groupwork the potential risks and hazards in the textiles and fashion industry.  



a. Master the use of various measuring tools;
b. Establish how to take correct measurements;
c. Master the use cutting tools including different types of cutting tools;
d. Succeed in using various marking tools;
e. Recognize and master the use of various pressing tools;
f. Interpret health and safety legislation in relation to the Textiles and Fashion industry;
g. Succeed in using various measuring tools; 
h. Succeed in using different sewing tools;
i. Succeed in utilising various cutting tools;
j. Assess the potential risks and hazards in reference to health and safety in the textiles and fashion environment;
k. Conceive what the different hazards and risks in relation to the textiles and fashion environment to be able to assess a situation and detail consequences;
l. Increase awareness of the importance of correct usage of various sewing tools and equipment;
m. Appreciate the importance of attention to health and safety when working with tools and equipment related to the textiles and fashion industry. 


Assessment Methods

This programme adopts continuous and summative methods of assessment including assignments, online tasks, reflective journals, projects and video presentations. For further details, kindly refer to the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy and Procedures.

Suggested Readings

Core Reading List
1. Smith,A. (2011). SEW step by step. Great Britain: Dorling Kinderslay Limited, Pages 10-27
2. Hegeman Crim, C (2014). Essential Sewing Reference Tool: All in one visual guide. Concord United States: C & T Publishing
3. Reader’s Digest New complete guide to sewing. (2011). Pleasantville, N.Y.: Reader’s Digest Association.
4. Act 27 of 2000 – Occupational Health and Safety Authority Act
5. LN 44 of 2002 – Work Place (Minimum Health and Safety Requirements) Regulations
6. LN 35 of 2003 – Protection against Risks of Back Injury at Work Places Regulations
7. LN 36 of 2003 – General Provisions for Health and Safety at Work Places Regulations
8. LN 45 of 2002 – Work Places (Provision of Health and/or Safety Signs) Regulations
9. LN 121 of 2003 – Minimum Requirements for the Use of Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations  

Supplementary Reading List
1. Hegeman Crim, C (2017). HANDY POCKET GUIDE SEWING SUPPLIES. Concord United States: C & T Publishing 

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