
Workshop Management for VET in Fashion and Textiles

ECTS Value: 4 ECTS


Overall Objectives and Outcomes

This unit will empower course participants to take responsibility and manage the ongoing activities within the workshop. Educators must demonstrate authority on the subject content whilst supporting students’ activities in the workshop. Teachers must have knowledge and be able to operate the machines and equipment available in the workshop observing Health and Safety procedures. 

The VET educator should be informed on suppliers / outlets where students will be able to purchase materials and other resources useful for their learning activities and projects without favouring any supplier. During this unit the course participants should demonstrate enthusiasm towards the subject to possible influence the learning process among their students. Teachers must find different methods of giving continuous formative feedback as well as summative assessment. 

  • Know your workplace including mastering tools and machinery operations. 
  • Make a list of suppliers of textiles materials / haberdasheries / equipment suppliers to guide students. 
  • Present step by step instructions and make demonstrations to guide students through their learning process. 
  • Research different learning theories and how these may be applied for textiles and fashion education. 
  • Teacher’s enthusiasm is the best driver in creative VET. 
  • Conduct continuous assessment through the learning/teaching process. 

By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:


a. Develop a researched-based comprehensive understanding of machinery, tools and equipment used in the fashion industry;

b. Develop an ability of operating machinery, tools and equipment used in the fashion industry within the teaching-learning environment following standard procedures;

c. Develop a student-centred approach of managing learning activities within the work-shop following standard procedures;

d. Develop class assessment tools to provide students continuous feedback during their learning process through towards their summative assessment;

e. Research to gather information to build up a database of the various resources of suppliers required in the fashion industry;

f. Review current literature reviews on the basics of textile recycling;

g. Demonstrate possible applications of learning theories in the textiles and fashion workshop. 



a. Define the functions and demonstrate operations observing health and safety awareness of all the tools and machinery available in the workplace;

b. Identify the appropriate suppliers for textiles materials / haberdasheries / equipment for students’ possible needs and encourage them to visit and familiarise with the resources available;

c. Recognise students’ attitude to learning and outline simple step by step instructions and demonstrations in required tasks for the subject;

d. Reproduce fashion and textiles projects from recycled fabrics and other non-traditional materials;

e. Identify effective assessment processes to guide students through a motivating and successful learning experience;

f. Demonstrate knowledge of different learning theories implemented in relation to textiles and fashion vocational education.



a. Operate safely the tools, equipment, machinery available in the workshop;

b. Indicate relevant suppliers to source essential materials and equipment for the subject;

c. Demonstrate step-by-step instructions in specific tasks to enrich students’ competences;

d. Manipulate fabric in creative recycling practices for sustainable fashion projects;

e. Modify students’ activities through continuous formative feedback to motivate intrinsic learning;

f. Recommend method of applying learning theories in the textiles and fashion workshop.  


Assessment Methods

This programme adopts continuous and summative methods of assessment including assignments, online tasks, reflective journals, projects and video presentations. For further details, kindly refer to the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy and Procedures.

Suggested Readings

Core Reading List
1. Doucet, A, Evers, J., Guerra, E., Lopez, N. (2018). Teaching in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Routledge.
2. Shunk,D H. (2011). Learning Theories: An Educational Perspective (6th Edition). Pearson.
3. Dunn, K.J. and Stafford Dunn. (1978) Teaching Students Through Their Individual Learning Styles:
A Practical Approach. Pearson.  

Supplementary Reading List
1. Kolb, D.A. (2015). Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development (2nd Edition). Pearson.
2. Socol, I., Moran, P. Ratliff, C. (2018) Timeless Learning: How Imagination Observation and Zerobased Thinking Change Schools. UK: Jossey-Bass.

Useful Online Resources:  

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