
Digital Media in Fashion Design

ECTS Value: 6 ECTS


Overall Objectives and Outcomes

This unit will help learners to familiarise with computer aided design for fashion using Illustrator and Photoshop programmes. The unit will introduce students to the software interface and their respective tools and assist in flat pattern drafts, pattern styling manipulation, design drawings, manipulating colour and design details. Moreover, students will gain confidence when using computer aided design software to potentially further their studies in specialised programmes, offering them the possibility of working in the fashion industry’s design departments. 

  • Identify digital media / software used in fashion design. 
  • Introduction to photoshop interface and tools. 
  • Manipulate fashion drawings and images. 
  • Introduction to illustrator interface and tools 
  • Create flat pattern drawings using Illustrator. 

By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:


a. Engage with literature to critically evaluate the impact of computer aided design technology in the developments of fashion design industry;
b. Develop a comprehensive understanding of the main CAD software which cover various fields of the design process in the fashion design industry;
c. Develop an ability to use CAD applications.



a. Identify the potential applications using computer aided design in the fashion specialization;
b. Describe the Photoshop interface what is the toolbar and the function tools;
c. Define the function of layers and brushes;
d. Describe the Illustrator interface what is the toolbar and the function tools.  



a. Distinguish the potential of Photoshop and Illustrator software;
b. Use Photoshop to create images;
c. Modify images using Photoshop;
d. Sketch fashion drawings using the Illustrator software;
e. Compute patterns using the Illustrator software. 


Assessment Methods

This programme adopts continuous and summative methods of assessment including assignments, online tasks, reflective journals, projects and video presentations. For further details, kindly refer to the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy and Procedures.

Suggested Readings

Core Reading List
1. Burke, S. (2006). Fashion Computing: Design Techniques and CAD. Burke Publishing.
2. Hume, R. (2016). Fashion and Textile Design with Photoshop and Illustrator: Professional Creative Practice. Fairchild Books.
3. Tallon, K. (2006). Digital Fashion Print with Photoshop and Illustrator. UK: Batsford.
4. Lazear, S. (2011). Adobe Illustrator for Fashion Design. (2nd Edition). Pearson.
5. Burke, S. (2013). Fashion Artist: Drawing Techniques to Portfolio Presentation (Fashion Design Series).
6. Centner, M. and Vereker, F. (2011) Fashion Designers Handbook for Adobe Illustrator.
7. Scheider, R. (2013) Adobe for Fashion: Illustrator cs6: The ultimate guide to drawing flats.
8. Tallon, K. (2013). Creative Fashion Design with Illustrator. Batsford.  

Useful Online Resources:  

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