
Fashion Production Project

ECTS Value: 5 ECTS


Overall Objectives and Outcomes

This unit is linked to module 7 Fashion design creation. Both units focus on fashion design projects from the initial inspiration through to the idea generation, sketching designs, mood boards, colour palettes, and final designs. This unit concentrates on the fashion design realisation, from selection of fabric, production plan, laying, cutting and assembling. Hence, the development of the fashion production projects. Attention will be given to finishing details, as well as presentation. 

  • Research about the latest fashion collections presented in seasonal fashion shows. 
  • Select designs for production. Plan work schedule with check points to evaluate/review your work. 
  • Identify colour and fabric type and creative applications for your garment and draft the pattern. 
  • Lay, mark and cut out garment pieces.  Assemble pieces to form an appealing fashion piece of quality. 
  • Finish, press and present your work for promotion. 

By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:


a. Engage with fashion designers’ influences to generate ideas for a fashion product;
b. Develop a comprehensive understanding of the different elements involved in developing a fashion product;
c. Develop an ability of working efficiently and effectively through the various stages of the process of developing the fashion product;
d. Develop an ability to present and promote the finished product for marketing.  



a. Identify fashion design for production and outline work process and list check points to evaluate work;
b. Select colour, fabric and creative applications for the final garment;
c. Relate pattern to garment size;
d. Arrange pattern pieces on fabric for marking and cutting;
e. List a step by step schedule of work to meet deadlines;
f. Reorganise work for presentation purposes.  



a. Interpret design into a final product;
b. Identify work time frames and modification stages; 
c. Relate colour, accessories and material quality and quantity for chosen design. Indicate pattern markings for assembly process;
d. Demonstrate competent laying and cutting skills giving attention to properties of fabric and cost effectiveness;
e. Apply techniques in garment assembly and modify work;
f. Prepare work for presentation and quality control.  


Assessment Methods

This programme adopts continuous and summative methods of assessment including assignments, online tasks, reflective journals, projects and video presentations. For further details, kindly refer to the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy and Procedures.

Suggested Readings

Core Reading List
1. Editors of Readers Digest. (2010). New Complete Guide to Sewing: Step-By-Step Techniques for Making Clothes and Home Accessories. The Reader’s Digest.
2. Westfall Cfcs, M.G. (2012). Successful Sewing. Tinley Park ll: The Goodheart Wilcox Company Inc.
3. Jeffereys, C, (1996). The Complete Book of Sewing. London, Dorling Kindersley.
4. Prendergast, J. (2014). Sewing Techniques: An introduction to construction skills within the design process (Basics Fashion Design). England, Fairchild Books.
5. Shaeffer, C. (2001). Sewing for the apparel Industry. London, Prentice – Hall International (UK) Limited. 

Useful Online Resources:

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