
Planning a Family Literacy Intervention Session

MQF Level: 7

ECTS Value: 1 ECTS

Duration: 2 Sessions

Contact Hours: 5

Self Study Hours: 12

Assessment Hours: 8


Module Description

Literacy difficulties may contribute to early school leaving. Through the previous modules, participants will have gained skills and strategies to help students presenting with literacy difficulties. This final module will consolidate previously acquired knowledge to serve as a guide to systematically plan, both long-term and daily plans in a family literacy intervention programme. 

This module will also focus on the importance of parental empowerment in education, most particularly in an after-school intervention programme. Participants will be guided to reflect on practical examples to showcase the active involvement of parents/guardians in an Nwar setting or within other intervention programmes.

Overall Objectives and Outcomes

By the end of this module, the learner will be able to:


a) Show an understanding of the common learning difficulties and the related impact which may hinder children from attaining literacy skills;
b) Identify students’ literacy strengths, difficulties and needs;
c) Critically evaluate appropriate strategies and approaches to teach students effectively and address their literacy strengths, difficulties and needs;
d) Empower parents/guardians to be active participants in their child’s learning;
e) Implement a range of strategies to involve parents/guardians actively in a session and carry out follow-up literacy activities at home.


a) Outline the principles of effective instruction during intervention programmes which are required to be fast-paced, including scaffolded learning, over-learning and motivation;
b) Examine and identify the most appropriate strategies to deal with the difficulties and strengths of each student;
c) Demonstrate detailed knowledge of the challenges of working with parents/guardians and ways to overcome these difficulties and involve them actively in family literacy intervention sessions;
d) Demonstrate the ability to utilise systemic skills to enable participants to engage parents/caregivers;
e) Describe the format and development of a family literacy intervention session.


a) Analyse assessment outcomes and develop a long-term plan which includes phonological awareness, word work, reading and spelling, writing, reading and comprehension and memory skills;
b) Plan and develop short and long-term plans depending on the student’s needs, progress and response;
c) Prepare a lesson which is focused and systematically covers the student’s literacy strengths, difficulties and needs with the inclusion of parents/caregivers;
d) Co-construct literacy activities with the involvement of parents/caregivers.

Mode of Delivery

This module adopts a blended approach to teaching and learning. Information related to the structure and delivery of the module may be accessed through the IfE Portal. For further details, kindly refer to the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy and Procedures found on the Institute for Education’s website.

Assessment Methods

This module will be assessed through: Research Assingment and Online Tasks/Reflections.

Suggested Readings

Core Reading List

1) Bower, H. A. & Griffin, D. (2011) Can the Epstein Model of Parental Involvement Work in a HighMinority, High-Poverty Elementary School? A Case Study. In Professional School Counseling, v15 n2 pp. 77 – 87.

2) Brock, S. & Edmunds, A.L. (2010) Parental Involvement: Barriers and Opportunities, EAF Journal, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 48-I.

3) Mayo, P. (2007) Learning communities: schools, parents and challenges for wider community involvement in schools In International Journal about Parents in Education Vol..1, No. 0, pp. 256-26.

4) Rupley, Blair, Nichols, W., T., W. (2009) ‘Effective Reading Instruction for Struggling Readers: The Role of Direct/Explicit Teaching, Reading & Writing Quarterly’ Overcoming Learning Difficulties [Online] 25, (2-3) pp. 125-138. Available at http://overcoming literacy difficulties.

Supplementary Reading List

1) Anderson, K. J. & Minke, K. J. (2007) Parent Involvement in Education: Toward an Understanding of Parents’ Decision Making. In The Journal of Educational Research. [Vol. 100 (No. 5)]

2) Epstein, J. L, Sanders, M. G., Simon, B. S., Salinas, K. C, Jansorn, N. R., & Van Voorhis, F. L. (2009). School, family, and community partnerships: Your handbook for action. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press

3) Jeynes, W. H. (2011) Parent involvement and academic success. New York, NY: Routledge

4) Pomerantz, E. M., Moorman, E. A & Litwack, S. D. (2007) The How, Whom, and Why of Parents’ Involvement in Children’s Academic Lives: More Is Not Always Better. In Review of Educational Research. Vol. 77, No. 3, pp. 373 – 410.

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