Literacy Assessment and Intervention
The aim of this module is for course participants to become proficient in identifying and administering tools necessary for the assessment of youngsters who are struggling with literacy development. With a sound basis of the theory and different models of literacy development, the module will aim to provide the means necessary for course participants to interpret the youngsters’ performance on different tests and identify strategies to help students strengthen/develop literacy skills in the domains of reading, writing and comprehension skills. It also aims to enrich course participants with the knowledge to be able to provide support to educators and parents and to become familiar with support systems for literacy development within the education department.
By the end of this module, the learner will be able to:
a. Create reading, spelling and comprehension tests for different levels;
b. Explore strategies to reduce the impact of literacy difficulties;
c. Advise educators and parents in supporting struggling students,
d. Select appropriate assessment tools based on individual student needs;
e. Analyse and interpret literacy assessment data to identify students’ strengths;
f. Create report writing logs.
a. Understand literacy development, underlying theories and models;
b. Identify the different disorders associated with literacy difficulties;
c. Describe the psychological impact of literacy difficulties on the individual;
d. Develop understanding of the administration and interpretation of the test;
e. Describe the cognitive, linguistic, and social factors that influence literacy acquisition and proficiency.
a. Use appropriate tests to explore literacy difficulties;
b. Administer the tests and interpret them;
c. Recommend strategies to strengthen literacy skills within specific environments;
d. Work with other stakeholders in the holistic development of the youngster;
e. Design and implement evidence-based literacy interventions tailored to individual student’s needs.
This module will be assessed through: Presentation and Assignment.
The Institute for Education is a Further and Higher Education Institution with Licence number 2016-006
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