Research Methods I
Research, which involves the gathering of data from carefully identified sources, is useful; particularly when the ultimate aim of every research is to acquire knowledge that will contribute to the area of discipline of the researcher. Hence, the prospect for course participants to do a research project is growing in many areas of study, one of which is educational psychology. The scope of this module is to introduce participants to research methods and delve into the different styles of doing qualitative or quantitative or mixed method research.
By the end of this module, the learner will be able to:
a. Initiate and devise qualitative, or quantitative research, or mixed methodology approach;
b. Evaluate and critique the advantages and disadvantages of qualitative or quantitative research, or mixed methodology approach;
c. Develop a comprehensive understanding of the different styles of qualitative, or quantitative research, or mixed methodology approach and the different instances when each can be used;
d. Conduct a review of the available literature and developing a critique disposition;
e. Become sensitive to the general ethical issues in research.
a. An array of qualitative, quantitative research methods, or mixed methodology approach;
b. Notions of validity, positionality, reliability, ontology, and epistemology, generalisation and its limits, replication;
c. List the different chapters in a dissertation and the scope of each chapter;
d. Identify the ethical responsibilities of the researcher and knowledge of ethical issues as identified by Accreditied Research Bodies;
e. Understand what plagiarism is and how it can be avoided.
a. Critique the different methodologies and their application;
b. Employ different methods of qualitative and quantitative research, or mixed methodology approach;
c. Identify the most relevant literature for the research and develop a coherent link between the research question/s, the literature, research design and discussion of the findings;
d. Evaluate the validity of a research project.
This module will be assessed through: Assignment.
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