
Intelligence, Cognition, Disabilities and Assessment

MQF Level: 7

ECTS Value: 4 ECTS

Contact Hours: 20

Self Study Hours: 48

Assessment Hours: 32


Overall Objectives and Outcomes

Through this module, course participants will explore the different aspects of cognitive processes, the impact of autism spectrum disorder on children and will delve into assessment techniques and fundamental principles of the BAS test. In doing so, course participants will be provided with examples of assessment tools and how to interpret the findings/results.

By the end of this module, the learner will be able to:


a. Administer the diagnostic and numeracy scales;

b. Interpret the whole battery of the BAS test;

c. Execute accurate and reliable administration of the BAS, following standardized procedures and guidelines;

d. Support the diagnosed Autistic child or adoloscent through intervention strategies;

e. Develop strategies to create inclusive environments that support individuals with disabilities and autism;

f. Design, implement, and interpret assessments to inform decision-making and intervention planning;

g. Analyze and interpret BAS data to assess students’ areas of strength and growth.


a. Identify various tools used to diagnose Autism;

b. Describe the challenges children and adoloscents diagnosed with Autism face;

c. Describe the cognitive development across the lifespan and its implications for education and everyday life;

d. Explain the theoretical underpinnings of the BAS testing, understanding the constructs being measured and the rationale behind the assessment system.


a. Evaluate different intervention strategies to support the learner;

b. Explore the different principles of cognitive processes, including perception, memory, attention, and problem-solving;

c. Explore a range of disabilities affecting children/adoloscents and the diverse ways in which these conditions manifest;

d. Identify and address common challenges and issues that may arise during scale administration;

e. Implement proper techniques for setting up and managing assessment tools and materials;

f. Demonstrate ethical standards in BAS testing, ensuring fairness, confidentiality, and integrity in the assessment process.

Assessment Methods

This module will be assessed through: Assignment and Practical Task.

Suggested Readings

Core Readings List 
  1. Barkler, R.A (2015). Attention Defiict Hyperactivity Disorder: A Handbook for Diagnosis & Treatment 4th Guilford Press: USA
  2. Hollander, E., Kolevzon, A., & Coyle, J.T. (2022). Textbook of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Americal Psychiatric Association Publishing: USA
  3. Sattler, J., & Hodge R. (2006). Assessment of children: Behavioural, Social and Clinical Foundations. 6th San Diego, CA: Jerome M. Sattler, Inc.
  4. Buron, K.D., & Wolfberg, P. (2014). Learners on the Autism Spectrum Disorder: Preparing Highly Qualified Educators and Related Practitioners. USA: APPC Publishing. 2nd Revised edition.
  5. Selamat, N.W., Renganathan, Y., & Karim, A.S. (2018). Intervention Approaches for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Review of Research between 2013 and 2017.. Journal of Child & Adoloscent Behaviour, 6:1 DOI: 10.4172/2375-4494.1000369
  6. Wilinson, L.E. (2014). Autism Spectrum Disorders in Children and Adolescents: Evidence Based Assessment and Intervention In Schools. APA: USA
  7. The International Classification of Diseases. WHO (latest edition).
  8. Elliott, C.D. (2011). BAS3 British Ability Scales Technical Manual (3rd Edition). GL Assessment.
  9. Elliott, C.D. (2011). BAS3 British Ability Scales Administration Manual (3rd Edition). GL Assessment
Supplementary Reading List
  1. Shephard, E. (2019). Early developmental pathways to childhood symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, anxiety and autism spectrum disorder. Journal of child psychology and psychiatry Vol.60 (9).
  2. Sokolova, E., Oerlemans, A.M, Rommelse, N.N., Hartman, C. (2017). A Causal and Mediation Analysis of the Comorbidity Between Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders; Vol. 47(6).
    Parker, I., Geogarca, E., Harper, D., McLaughlin, T., & Stowell-Smith, M. (1996). Deconstructing Psychopathology. UK: Sage Publications.
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