
Advanced Therapeutic Skills

MQF Level: 7

ECTS Value: 4 ECTS

Contact Hours: 20

Self Study Hours: 48

Assessment Hours: 32


Overall Objectives and Outcomes

In this module, course participants will be exposed to various play techniques which may be used in the therapeutic process. In the second part of the module participants will be exposed to therapeutic processes and equip them to carry out time-framed interventions, set goals and work towards them within a timeframe, termination and issues surrounding termination.

By the end of this module, the learner will be able to:


a. Manage play techniques in therapy according to the clients’ needs;

b. Ensure good rapport between client and therapist and progress in therapy;

c. Deal with transference and counter-transference issues while using play in therapy;

d. Conduct time-framed interventions / therapy leading to resolution of the identified difficulty / difficulties;

e. Employ appropriate balance between empathy and assertiveness in therapy;

f. Guide the client in working towards therapeutic goals;

g. Manage issues surrounding termination of therapy.


a. Outline different play-based techniques used with children and adolescents;

b. Identify ways to interpret play sessions whilst taking into account transference and counter-transference issues;

c. Describe Brief Solution Focused Therapy Techniques;

d. Identify methods of dealing with transference and counter-transference issues.


a. Work effectively with different clients using play tehniques;

b. Apply methods of transference and counter-transference;

c. Interpret play sessions according to evidence-based theories/approaches;

d. Devise goals together with client and methods of how the client can move towards them;

e. Plan sessions to arrive at a resolution of client’s difficulties / challenges within a time-frame;

f. help clients move on in therapy and reach therapeutic outcomes within a timeframe;

g. Work with clients who offer different challenges during the process;

h. Terminate therapy effectively;

i. Practice the ability and evaluate transference and countertransference issues.

Assessment Methods

This module will be assessed through: Practical Assignment.

Suggested Readings

Core Readings List 
  1. Schaefer, C.E. & Cangelosi, D. (2016), Essential Play Therapy Techniques: Time-Tested Approaches, Guilford Publications, New York
  2. Ratner H., George E. and Iveson C (2012), Solution Focused Brief Therapy, 100 Keypoints and Techniques, Routledge London & New York
  3. The Skilled Helper (2021). Robert Reese & Gerard Egan. Cengage Learning EMEA.
  4. Oelsner R (Ed). (2013), Transference and Countertransference Today, Routledge, London & New York
Supplementary Reading List
  1. Kaduson, H., & Schaefer, C. (2010). 101 Favorite Play Therapy Techniques. Jason Aronson, Inc: United Kingdom.
  2. Conte C. (2009) Advanced Techniques for Counseling and Psychotherapy, Springer Publishing Compnay.
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