Personal Development II: Leadership and Intrapersonal Skills
Personal Development modules play a crucial role throughout the programme providing course participants with opportunity to acquire practical skills. These modules involve knowledge, self-reflexivity and practice. In combining knowledge with reflexivity, participants will develop an awareness of one’s strengths, areas which need improvement and blind spots. This reflexivity will also be supported by practice where they will be given opportunity to apply these skills in a safe learning environment, where participants give feedback to each other and receive feedback from the lecturer. In this module, course participants will focus on both personal and interpersonal leadership skills and also intrapersonal skills to assist them to be effective persons and leaders.
By the end of this module, the learner will be able to:
a. Self-assess own leadership skills and how to apply them in one’s work;
b. Develop an awareness of own personal and inter-personal leadership strengths and areas to grow in;
c. Practice leadership skills acquired and reflect on their application;
d. Reflect and develop an understanding of one’s own competencies related to personality and emotional intelligence;
e. Manage personal issues and challenges not to allow personal matters interfere with their work with clients;
f. Develop self-awareness of areas of growth and how to work upon them;
g. Develop self-compassion to treat oneself with kindness and warmth.
a. Define different leadership skills required to become an effective person and leader;
b. Describe the differences and overlap between leadership and management and how these can be applied to their current and future work as psychologists;
c. Identify principles and skills which help one to be efficient and effective as a person;
d. Identify ways how to lead and motivate others to be efficient and work towards set goals;
e. Demonstrate knowledge on how one’s personality, moods and attitudes may be transmitted consciously or unconsciously to interactions with others and in work with clients;
f. Identify areas required for self-development and knowledge of oneself with a sense of who one is, where one wants to get and how to get there;
g. Describe ways of how to take care of oneself to protect one’s own well-being.
a. Adopt outcome based leadership which focuses on the people’s needs and the tasks to be carried out;
b. Evaluate personal qualities which help to be efficient as persons and leaders;
c. Assess areas where they need to grow and train more in order to become more effective as persons and leaders and plan how they will work on this;
d. Critically apply the skills which help an individual to be an effective person and an effective leader;
e. Critique the various leadership styles and their application to different contexts and circumstances;
f. Demonstrate competence in self-reflexivity and identify how this can be developed and used in their future work s psychologists;
g. Show ability to be more aware of one’s blindspots and how these may effect others;
h. Enhance one’s growth by moving beyond one’s comfort zone in order to keep progressing and developing as a person and a profession the skill to develop resilience, self-care and compassion.
This module will be assessed through: Reflective Tasks and Activities.
The Institute for Education is a Further and Higher Education Institution with Licence number 2016-006
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