
Professional Ethics, Social Inclusion and Multicultural Aspects

MQF Level: 7

ECTS Value: 4 ECTS

Contact Hours: 20

Self Study Hours: 48

Assessment Hours: 32


Overall Objectives and Outcomes

Professionals working within the field of psychology are required to maintain high levels of ethics during the various activities pertaining to their work. In this module course participants will be exposed to the Maltese Psychology Professional Code of Ethics as well as other major Ethical Codes. Moreover, in this module course participants will develop a critical understanding on theories of social inclusion and multi-cultural aspects in relation to the current situation encountered in Maltese schools. When learners within our school communities are not socially included, this can impact both their academic engagement and performance as well as their social development. In this module an analysis of potential barriers and opportunities to social inclusion and multicultural aspects to learning will be exposed, so that course participants’ can be better equipped to support school professionals in facilitating inclusive practices towards the learners’ they support. 

By the end of this module, the learner will be able to:


a. Comply with an ethical framework as required from the profession of psychology;

b. Manage and resolve ethical dilemmas they may encounter in their work;

c. Develop a research-based approach of inclusive practices with focus on the learners’ needs;

d. Recognise possible challenges related to cultural diversities present within schools, and guide other school professionals s on how to recognise cultural diversities, as well as work towards acknowledging and respecting different cultures.


a. Outline the Maltese Psychology Profession Ethical Code, EFPA Meta Code of Ethics and other ethical principles related to the work of psychology;

b. Demonstrate knowledge and critique theories of social inclusion and multi-culturalism;

c. Identify how to apply the Policy on Inclusive Education in schools within their practice;

d. Identify ways of implementing social inclusion and multi-cultural environment in schools.


a. Apply ethical standards of practice related to the profession in daily work;

b. Critically evaluate and resolve ethical dilemmas arising at the workplace;

c. Critically assess possible stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination on the workplace;

d. Apply practical methods of promoting social-inclusion in schools;

e. Practice methods on how to deal with and help others to approach multi-cultural classrooms/schools appropriately.

Assessment Methods

This module will be assessed through: Assignments.

Suggested Readings

Core Readings List 
  1. (2017). Ethical Principles of psychologists and code of conduct. American Psychological Association.
  2. Banyard, P (2013). Ethical issues in psychology. Taylor & Francis Limited: London UK.
  3. O’ Donohue, W. & Ferguson, K. (2012). Handbook of Professional Ethics for Psychologists: Issues, Questions, and Controversies. Sage Publications, Inc.
  4. Turnbull, A., Turnbull, H. , Rutherford Turnbull, H. Wehmeyer, M. & Shogren, K. ( 2019). Exceptional Lives: Practice, Progress, and Dignity in Today’s Schools. US: Pearson Education.
  5. MEDE (2019). A Policy on Inclusive Education in Schools Route to Quality Inclusion. Ministry of Education and Employment.
  6. MEDE (2019). A National Inclusive Education Framework. Ministry of Education and Employment.
  7. (2020). Code of Ethics and Conduct. Malta Psychology Profession Board
Supplementary Reading List
  1. Cefai, C., Cavioni, V., Bartolo, P., Simoes, C., Milijevic-Ridicki, R., et al. (2015). Social inclusion and social justice. Journal for Multicultural Education; Bingley Vol. 9(3). 
  2. Bartolo, P. (2015). The Role of Psychologists in Inclusive Settings. In Chambers, D. Working with teaching assistants and other support staff for inclusive education (p.49-63). Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
  3. Tanti Burlo, E. (2010). Inclusive education: a qualitative leap. Life span and disability, Vol. 13 (2).
  4. Vassallo B. (2020). Leading the multicultural school: Some insights from dedicated school leaders. Management in Education
  5. Vassallo, B. (2022). Leading the flock: Examining the characteristics of multicultural school leaders in their quest for equitable schooling. Improving Schools, 25(1), 22–36.
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