MCEP319 Practicum III
The practicum is intended for the course participants to apply and practice the skills and knowledge they are learning throughout the course in addition to integrating and consolidating all they have learnt in previous years. The field supervisor will allot clients to the course participants according to guidance by the practicum coordinators taking into consideration the current procedures of the service. The field supervisor must ensure that the course participants practice the skills learnt during the placement.
By the end of this module, the learner will be able to:
a. Conduct assessments of childrens’ and adolescents’ cognitive abilities, personalities, learnin and emotional/behavioural aspects;
b. Intervene therapeutically with children and adolescents and work effectively towards therapeutic outcomes;
c. Devise and implement behaviour modification programmes;
d. Integrate findings and knowledge;
e. Create concise and comprehensive reports;
f. Work effectively with and within systems;
g. Work within and reflect upon ethical frameworks as required from the profession of psychology;
h. Conduct assigned work ethically and responsibly.
a. Identify psychopathological traits and mental health disorders in children and adolescents;
b. Identify mental difficulties;
c. Describe assessment tools used to assess cognitive abilities, personalities, emotional and behavioural aspects;
d. Outline the process of devising and implementing behaviour modification programmes;
e. Demonstrate knowledge of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and its application;
f. Describe the process of working with Trauma and Bereavement;
g. Demonstrate knowledge of personality theories;
h. Identify crises situations and communicate proper interventions.
a. Administer and interpret the WIPPSI and/or WISC in line with standardized procedures;
b. Abide with standardized procedures to administer and interpret Personality Assessments;
c. Use service procedures to work effectively in crisis situations if situation arise;
d. Use Cognitive Behavioral Techniques efficiently and effectively in the interventions provided;
e. Identify trauma and bereavement;
f. Combine results from different assessments, observations and interviews;
g. Write concise and comprehensive reports;
h. Reflect on how own personality, and past and current experiences influence own work.
This module will be assessed through: Continuous Assessment by field supervisor and practicum coordinators together with a Portfolio.
The Institute for Education is a Further and Higher Education Institution with Licence number 2016-006
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