
Assessing Hospitality Students

MQF Level: 7

ECTS Value: 5 ECTS

Self Study Hours: 60

Contact Hours: 25

Assessment Hours: 40


Overall Objectives and Outcomes

This module is intended to provide the necessary knowledge, skills and competences on the types and modes of assessment that should be employed by prospective educator teaching in a vocational setting, particularly in Hospitality.  This module will address the gap between educators assessing Hospitality students and assessors coming from the industry by discussing and demonstrating the right approach towards assessing Hospitality students. The content will start with an outline of the procedures that must be taken to develop criteria and formulate assessment guidelines to students. The discussion will centre around the concept that assessment in a vocational setting (as with non-vocational) should seek to inform the educator about the knowledge, skill and competence take-up of students rather than his or her limitations. The outcome of the assessment should eventually be used as a tool to (i) improve teaching methods and (ii) document the progress of students.

By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:


a. Demonstrate full autonomy in the direction of learning in relation to assessing competences based on research;

b. Develop the necessary skills which allow for the continuation of independent study and research with regard to different methods of assessing, both the development and the learning skills of Hospitality students;

c. Systematically understand through continuous evaluation and assessment the needs of students to be successful in their learning;

d. Develop and propose new strategies which allow adequate assessments of hospitality students in order to establish their highest level of achievement through vocational learning;

e. Act autonomously in decision making about the type of assessment required in relation to the learning abilities of students;

f. Evaluate and develop various assessment and marking tools addressing different assessment criteria and be able to explain this to students ahead of the actual assessment;

g. Monitor the progress of students by analysing their assessment patterns and results.


a. Demonstrate self-direction and originality in  the development of assessment criteria and patterns in Hospitality education;

b. Demonstrate critical awareness in relation to the different assessment methods in relation to students’ abilities;

c. Act autonomously in planning and the implementation of methods of monitoring students’ learning development through assessment;

d. Identify areas for improvement and implement changes to create more reliable and inclusive assessments.


a. Propose relevant assessment plans specifically for the Hospitality subject;

b. Determine and justify the relative weightings of the assessment types in specific Hospitality subject;

c. Act autonomously in deciding the pre-determined controlled learning outcomes and develop corresponding assessment tasks using specific criteria;

d. Evaluate methods of documenting the achievements of Hospitality students for each assessment task and type and evaluate the task according to the given criteria provided in the Hospitality syllabus;

e. Reflect on the appropriateness of assessment tasks and make relevant changes.

Assessment Methods

This module will be assessed through: Online Forum/Discussion and Assessment.

Suggested Readings

Core Reading List
  1. Dimmock, K., Breen, H. and Walo, M., 2003. Management competencies: An Australian assessment of tourism and hospitality students. Journal of Management & Organization9(1), pp.12-26.
  2. Knowd, I. and Daruwalla, P., 2003. Peer assessment in hospitality education: Impacts of group size on performance and rating. Journal of teaching in travel & tourism3(1), pp.65-83.
  3. Marina Brinkman-Staneva, (2015) The complexities of assessments in professional hospitality education. Quality Assurance in Education. Vol. 23 Issue: 4, pp.339-352
  4. Millar, M., Mao, Z. and Moreo, P., 2010. Hospitality & tourism educators vs. the industry: A competency assessment. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education22(2), pp.38-50.
Supplementary Reading List:
  1. Waryszak, R.Z., 1999. Students’ expectations from their cooperative education placements in the hospitality industry: an international perspective. Education+ Training41(1), pp.33-40.
  2. Kwan, K.P. and Leung, R.W., 1996. Tutor versus peer group assessment of student performance in a simulation training exercise. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education21(3), pp.205-214.
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