The Hospitality Industry
This module aims to give an overview of the hospitality industry in practise. The course participants will benefit from a holistic view of the different organisations that make up the hospitality industry and tourism related organisations that are related to tourism. By the end of this module, the course participants will be familiar with the different types of hotels, restaurants, bars with various classifications issued by the Malta Tourism Authority and how they are being managed and operated. This module will focus on understanding the functions of the main departments of different types of hotels and various job roles and job duties that make up certain departments. This module is mainly made up of field trips that will help to visualise, analyse, and compare how hotels of various sizes and types can be operated differently yet so similarly. It will also help the course participant see hotel operations as holistic and understand the interrelation of various departments. At the end of this module, the course participant would be able to instruct, guide and explain the concepts that make up the hospitality industry to their students in class.
By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:
a. Take care of different issues that can occur in hospitality sector;
b. Ensure the optimization of revenue management utilised in various hotels;
c. Deal with needs of the guests of various types of hotels;
d. Comply with security procedures in hotels;
e. Monitor standards within the hospitality sector;
f. Compare various methods of operations within the hospitality sector;
g. Deal with the complexity of different hospitality and tourism related organisations;
h. Collaborate between the various departments;
i. Desing lesson plans related to the current aspects and issues within the hospitality sector;
j. Create interesting and practical lessons related to the the different hospitality industries and their functions.
a. Distinguish between various sectors that make up the hospitality industry;
b. Explain and understand the role and importance of the various departments in hotels
c. Explain the different job roles and duties;
d. Identify different and latest booking systems (rooms and food and beverage) used in hotels;
e. Understand the concept of revenue management and maximisation.
f. Distinguish between different types of room rates;
g. Explain the importance of Standard of Procedures in the various departments;
h. Understand the importance of human resource management within any organisation;
i. Explain the idea of outsourcing certain services to minimise costs;
j. Describe hotel operations in general.
a. Demonstrate the ability to handle different situations in various types of hotels;
b. Apply learnt knowledge to solve current situations;
c. Create a suitable environment within a hotel;
d. Assemble human resources to maximise output of the hotel;
e. Show how hotel operations function;
f. Ensure an understanding of the main functions found in the different types of hotels;
g. systematically teach the correct procedures related to hotel operations;
h. guide the students to assess the different requirements and fulfill in the most efficient and effective way the requests guests can make when staying at the hotel;
i. Instruct hospitality students to evaluate the needs of a customer and actaccordingly;
j. Direct their students to judge different situations, particularly complaints filed by guests and be able to resolve the situation in the most efficient and effective way;
k. Instruct hospitality students to identify the skills required by the management to be able to implement specific task in the most efficient and effective way.
This module will be assessed through: Coursework – Report/Portfolio/Assignment.
The Institute for Education is a Further and Higher Education Institution with Licence number 2016-006
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