Developing Language Proficiency in the Foreign Language Classroom
This module explores key issues related to foreign language proficiency and the central role it plays within contemporary approaches to MFL teaching and learning. Principles underlying learner-centred approaches and pedagogy for teacher and learner autonomy will be presented in relation to the development of language learning and language use.
Communicative and action-oriented approaches enriched by authenticity, real-life tasks and contextualisation are critically reflected upon. The module addresses aspects related to the development of the four modes of communication (reception, production, interaction and mediation) with specific focus on strategies for the development of receptive, productive and interactive skills.
By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:
a. Create programmes of teaching and learning focused on the development of the four language skills;
b. Guide learners in the development of foreign language proficiency through an action-oriented approach;
c. Produce tasks to help learners work towards clearly-defined proficiency levels;
d. Design programmes of teaching and learning that create possibilities for learners with diverse learning styles.
a. Identify key features of foreign language proficiency related to productive, receptive and interactive language skills;
b. Identify language learning experiences for classroom learning through an action-oriented pedagogy;
c. Match tasks and texts to proficiency levels and describe what learners will be able to do at various proficiency levels;
d. Demonstrate understanding of learning styles; awareness of one’s own learning style and its impact on pedagogical approaches and beliefs about teaching and learning;
e. Demonstrate awareness of effective pedagogy for FL learner development through reflective practice.
a. Apply principles of the action-oriented approach to the teaching and learning of receptive, productive and interactive skills;
b. Prepare tasks for a programme of teaching and learning aimed at the development of specific proficiency levels;
c. Prepare a balanced lesson plan for integrated skills
This module will be assessed through: Portfolio & Assignment.
The Institute for Education is a Further and Higher Education Institution with Licence number 2016-006
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