Learning in Physical Education
Learning often happens in decontextualized settings and the learner repeats a task often not knowing why s/he is repeating it and why, when and how that task is required in the sport that they practice. This module will allow the course participant to produce movement, as a result of, the perception-action coupling. This will allow to present conditions that can enhance and produce better learning. It shifts the emphasis from teaching to learning. Learning is envisaged from a student-centred perspective and adheres to more ecological theories of learning while considering also other modes of learning, particularly the impact of neuroscience in learning. It considers how learning can be used in similar and novel situations so that the student is able to become increasingly more autonomous and more aware of own learning. Different strategies and conditions of learning will be reviewed so that the course participant is able to develop competences in and through the PE lessons throughout the course of the years while emphasising reflection as an important a search for connections – between the conscious and subconscious. Learning is always happening – consciously or unconsciously. So, the learner needs to connect the dots and develop a personal meaning of the process and the content that is presented.
Throughout this module, a strong emphasis is made on deep learning over shallow and strategic learning in view also of the Learning Outcomes Framework (LOF). While considering the complex nature of learning as indispensable and the application of non-linear pedagogy to learning, it is also emphasised that learning needs to be fun and presented in an interesting way and as such the role of emotion in learning will play a central role. This module considers from a practical point of view, the differences in learning by using different types of approaches, in particular, errorless learning, analogy and metaphor learning, contextual interference, and randomised and variable conditions amongst others. These will be used alongside Models Based Practice (MBP) approaches to ensure that these strategies will have maximum benefit within the LOF.
By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:
a. Perform physical activities while using different practice types.
b. Devise activities and determine the effect of specific practice conditions.
c. Monitor the effect of learning under different specific learning conditions.
a. Systematically appreciate how different learning approaches lead to different outcomes in both short- and long-term learning.
b. Systematically recognise how an external focus of attention produces better learning and transfer.
a. Demonstrate the application of teaching through a more external focus and through a constraints-based approach.
b. Display the progress of students who are practicing in specific conditions.
c. Establish practice conditions for different physical activities and lesson plans targeting the learning outcomes framework for physical education;
d. Realise strategies that enhance problem solving and decision making.
This module will be assessed through: Practical Assignment Task and Presentation.
Abdollahipour, R., Palomo Nieto, M., Psotta, R., & Wulf, G. (2017). External focus of attention and autonomy support have additive benefits for motor performance in children. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 32, 17-24.Barreiros, J., Figueiredo, T., & Godinho, M. (2007) The contextual interference effect in applied settings. European Physical Education Review. 13, (2), 195-208.
Buszard, T., Reid, M., Farrow, D. & Masters, R.S.W. (2013) Implicit motor learning: Designing practice for performance. ITF Coaching and Sport Science Review, 60, 3 – 5.…
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Crotti, M., Rudd, J., Roberts, S., Fitton Davies, K., O’Callaghan, L., Utesch, T. & Foweather, L. (2022) Physical activity promoting teaching practices and children’s physical activity within physical education lessons underpinned by motor learning theory (SAMPLE-PE). PLOS ONE. 17. e0272339. 10.1371/journal.pone.0272339.
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Masters, R. S. W., & Maxwell, J. P. (2008). The theory of reinvestment. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 1, 160–183.
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Wulf, G. (2007). Attention and motor skill learning. Champaign, IL: Human Kinematics.
Wulf, G., & Weigelt, C. (1997). Instructions about physical principles in learning a complex motor skill: to tell or not to tell. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 68, 362-367.
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