
Embracing Literacy Strategies and the Language in Education Policy

ECTS Value: 2 ECTS

Contact Hours: 10

Self Study Hours: 30

Assessment Hours: 10


Overall Objectives and Outcomes

This module will be taught through a series of workshop sessions and will focus on the following key areas:

1) Embracing the literacy strategy and the language in education policy

2) Teaching Maltese as a second language

3) Teaching English as a second language

4) Teaching progressions in reading, writing and communication skills

5) Embedding language into the whole curriculum through a balanced literacy approach to teaching and learning. 

By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:


a) Plan and deliver balanced literacy lessons integrating all 4 key literacy areas;
b) Plan for the teaching of Maltese and English to primary school students;
c) Evaluate, adapt, and integrate authentic materials into the teaching of Maltese and English as a second language;
d) Embed language, Maltese or English, into the whole curriculum;
e) Adopt a multi-sensory, hands-on methodology;
f) Implement a range of reading and writing strategies including reading and writing workshops within their classrooms.


a) Pedagogy and methodology of a balanced literacy approach;
b) The language in education policy and its impact on teaching and learning;
c) The teacher as facilitator within the classroom;
d) Familiarity with a range of literacy strategies including read aloud, shared reading, guided reading, journal writing, writing workshops etc.;
e) Understanding of the use of language within the classroom (role of the teacher);
f) The linguistic and cognitive dimensions of language (including pragmatic semantics, grammar, written and spoken differences);
g) Current issues related to teaching and learning a second language


a) Be able to implement a balanced literacy model of teaching and learning within his/her classroom;
b) Have acquired a deeper understanding of teacher vis-à-vis student led activities;
c) Have acquired a deeper understanding of the importance of language use within the primary school classroom;
d) Be able to apply the principles of performance-based second language teaching.


Assessment Methods

This programme adopts continuous and summative methods of assessment including assignments, online tasks, reflective journals, projects and video presentations. For further details, kindly refer to the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy and Procedures.

Suggested Readings

Core Reading List
  • Baker, C. (2000). A Parents’ and Teachers’ Guide to Bilingualism, Multilingual Matters.
  • Baker, C. & Prys Jones, S. (1998). Encyclopaedia of Bilingualism and Bilingual Education.
  • Bodman, S & Franklin, G (2014). Which Book and Why, Institute of Education Press, University of London.
  • Cecil, N. L. (2011) Striking a Balance: A comprehensive approach to Early Literacy. Holcomb Hathaway, United States.
  • Garcia, O., & C. Sylvan. (2011). “Pedagogies and Practices in Multilingual Classrooms: Singularities in Pluralities.” Modern Language Journal, 95(3), pp.385–400.
  • Mermelstein, L. (2006). Reading/Writing Connections in the K-2 Classroom: Find the Clarity and Then Blur the Lines. Pearson Education Inc.
  • Ministry for Education and Employment, (2014). A National Literacy Strategy for all in Malta and Gozo. Available online:
  • Ministry for Education (2012). The National Curriculum Framework for All. Available online:
  • Ministry for Education and Employment (2015). Country Report. Council of Europe. Available online:
  • Ministry of Education (2016). A language Policy for the Early Years in Malta and Gozo. Available online:
  • Rief, S.F. & Heimburge, J.A (2007). How to Reach and Teach all Children through Balanced Literacy. John Wiley & Sons Inc.
  • Serratrice, L. (2013). The Bilingual Child. In Bhatia, T.K. & Ritchie, W.C. (Eds). The Handbook of Bilingualism & Multilingualism, Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 87-108.
  • The Council of Europe (2015). Language Education Policy Profile. Malta. The Language Policy Unit. Available online:
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