
Processing and Evaluation within a PSCD Context

MQF Level: 7

ECTS Value: 4 ECTS

Self Study Hours: 48

Contact Hours: 20

Assessment Hours: 32


Overall Objectives and Outcomes

In this module course participants will develop a critical understanding and appreciation towards the Processing element of a PSCD lesson. Course participants will be able to delve deeper into different models of Experiential Learning mainly the model developed by David Kolb (1984), the model developed by Kurt Lewin (1951) and the model developed by John Dewey (1938). Processing is a central process within the PSCD lesson. As a result, the practitioner needs to practise this technique in depth and in a safe environment. For this module, the course participants will be able to present a series of activities, which will be processed. Constructive feedback will be given by their classmates and the lecturer. Practice in processing is required because each activity presented during the PSCD lesson must be processed well to elicit the outcomes and to link them to real life situations. During this module students will have the opportunity to safely practice the processing part.

By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:


a. Develop a theoretical understanding of the Experiential Learning Cycle and its role in PSCD lessons.

b. Implement the Processing part within the Experiential Learning Cycle in the PSCD classroom.

c. Analyse the challenges encountered during processing and develop approaches to overcome them.


a. Outline the four stages of the Experiential Learning Cycle and the critical theory underlying it;

b. Demonstrate a detailed understanding of the process that makes up the processing stage.

c. Develop knowledge of strategies for the identification and implementation of processing and evaluation within PSCD.


a. Apply the processing theories to classroom practice in PSCD;

b. Conduct processing in a safe environment;

c. Analyse one’s own processing and give constructive feedback to others about their processing skills.

Assessment Methods

This module will be assessed through: Discussion Forums, Presentation, Peer-Feedback.

Suggested Readings

Core Reading List
  1. Falzon, R., & Muscat, M. (2009). Personal and social development in a small island community: Presenting the Maltese democratic model. Journal of the European Teacher Education Network4, 9-26.
  2. Falzon, R., Frendo, C., & Muscat, M. (2018).  “Paving the Way for Counselling? The Link between Maltese PSD Model and Counselling,” Journal of School-Based Counseling Policy and Evaluation: Vol. 1 : Iss. 2 , Article 3. Available at:
  3. Bezzina, A. (2016). Personal and social development practice at the University of Malta. Mauritius: Lambert Academic Publishing.
  4. Bezzina, A. (2018). Personal and social development within a European neo-liberal Maltese Education System. In Attard Tonna, M. & Madalinska-Michelak, J. (Eds.). Teacher education policy and practice – International perspectives and inspirations (pp.288-314). Warsaw: Foundation for the Development of the Education System.
  5. Darmanin, A. (1992).  Developing leadership skills – A training manual for leaders   Malta: Media Centre Publications
  6. Heron, J.  (1999). The complete facilitators handbook. London:  Kogan Page
Supplementary Reading List:
  1. Hopson, B. & Scally, M. (1981).  Lifeskills teaching.  London:  McGraw Hill
  2. Nelson-Jones, R. (1991)  Lifeskills: a handbook.  London:  Cassell Educational Ltd.
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