PSCD Learning Outcomes Framework and Assessment
The main aims of this module are to help the participants, to familiarize themselves with the Learning Outcomes Framework in compulsory schooling as well as with the methodologies that translate Learning Outcomes into curricula and activities, gain knowledge on the elements constituting Learning Outcome and Curricula, be familiar with the learning outcomes of the PSCD syllabi, broad and specific, and learn through critical reflection and practice the skills and competences of PSCD pedagogies that transpire from a particular philosophy of education, one that is constructive, interpretive, narrative, explorative and experimental.
By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:
a. Advise SMT members on what changes may be required in the implementation of the school curriculum with regard to PSCD and the ways in which it is viewed and delivered to students and parents.
b. Collaborate with SMT members on how to successfully implement a Learning Outcomes Framework in PSCD, including the assessment strategies used in and for the subject.
c. Guide students in understanding and appreciating the importance and relevance of every topic in the PSCD syllabus through a LO approach to learning.
d. Ensure that students would have had opportunities to learn and reflect upon the different topics in the PSCD syllabus through appropriate constructive pedagogies
e. Create the appropriate learning climate that helps and motivates students to learn, reflect, be curious, and think critically on a multitude of issues included in the PSCD syllabus, irrespective of what learning styles and preferences they have.
a. Define what is meant by a Learning Outcomes Framework and the approach that transpires from it.
b. List different theories of learning that have an impact on the pedagogies of PSCD.
c. Outline the necessary structural elements of a good and effective PSCD lesson plan.
d. Outline the necessary structural elements of a good and effective PSCD scheme of work.
e. Tell the difference between Broad and Specific Learning Outcomes in PSCD in the different levels and years.
f. Define ‘assessment’ in its different forms, namely formative (assessment FOR learning and summative assessment (assessment OF learning).
g. Define ‘constructive alignment’ between subject content, pedagogy and assessment.
h. Describe the importance and pedagogical implications of constructive alignment in PSCD
a. Show their understanding of the impact of a LO Framework to the effectiveness of PSCD pedagogies and deep student learning.
b. Demonstrate how different learning theories can contribute to an effective implementation of the LO Framework with regard to the curricular subject of PSCD.
c. Apply their appreciation of learning theories to lesson planning and writing schemes of work.
d. Apply their understanding of broad and specific PSCD learning outcomes to their lesson plans and schemes of work.
e. Apply their understanding of Multiple Intelligences Theory to how they plan and deliver PSCD lessons.
f. Create different educational tools, activities and initiatives that help students be engaged in the PSCD lesson, and achieve the learning outcomes effectively.
g. Demonstrate how “constructive alignment’ can be applied to PSCD pedagogies.
This module will be assessed through: Assignment, Practical Tasks, Online Forums.
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