Sexuality, Gender and Relationship Education
Among the many stories that our lives hold, one that is of utmost significance and importance is each unique person’s psychosexual story that contains all the moments of growth, excitement, discovery, pain, struggle, and questioning in our relational lives. This story is about growing up and experiencing the different stages of human development on a journey of sexual exploration that is mainly motivated by the fundamental human needs for friendship and intimate connection and communion with other people, encounters that come in different forms and on different levels. The course will also aim to give the skills and competences to teachers to help students explore such an important story, an endeavour that has the potential of changing one’s attitudes toward sexuality, increasing appreciation for it, and nurturing it to achieve sexual integrity that positively affects life choices in different social contexts. The course will first look at and analyze the different perspectives and perceptions of SEXUALITY, and then give a broad and holistic definition that encompasses all its facets and aspects, as well as the factors that shape it throughout the different life stages.
By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:
a. Advise SMT and persons responsible for students’ well-being on how SRE Education should be delivered in PSCD as a curricular subject.
b. Collaborate with SMT and persons responsible for students’ well-being on how to successfully implement SRE through a cross-curricular school approach, aimed at all stakeholders involved in the system, namely students, parents and all educators employed by the school.
c. Guide students in understanding and appreciating the true value, uniqueness and beauty of their own sexuality, understood holistically.
d. Ensure that students would have had opportunities to discuss various SRE related issues that they feel and believe are important and relevant to their own personal psycho-sexual development.
e. Create the appropriate learning climate that helps and motivates students to ask any questions they like with regard to sexuality and SRE, and feel safe to think critically, even while expressing personal experiences
a. Define ‘SEXUALITY’ in a holistic manner.
b. Identify the various aspects of human sexuality.
c. Identify various SRE-related issues that are relevant to students.
d. List different different theories of ‘human sexual development.
e. Identify some of their implications for education in general and for PSCD as a curricular subject.
f. Define ‘sex and ‘gender’ in the light of present theories and literature derived from recent and relevant research.
g. Tell what true and authentic intimacy is.
h. List the different forms of intimacy and describe the relationship between them and its importance to holistic human development.
i. List various stereotypes and prejudices that are act as obstacles to authentic intimacy.
j. Define ‘abstinence-only’, ‘comprehensive’ and SRE models of education and describe the differences between them.
k. Describe the crucial importance of the relationship between the PSCD teacher and every student in the PSCD classroom.
l. Define and distinguish between ‘healthy’ and ‘abusive’ relationships.
m. Define ‘masturbation’, ‘’pornography’, ‘sexual promiscuity’, ‘STIs’, ‘contraception’ and ‘(online) sexual abuse’.
n. List different:
a. Demonstrate an understanding of how one’s sexuality in all its aspects and facets is influenced and shaped to a significant extent by different environmental factors.
b. Demonstrate how various aspects of everyday human living and sexual issues are related, and how this relationship shapes human personality.
c. Apply their critical appreciation of different thoeries of sexuality to the pedagogy/ies of PSCD.
d. Apply their understanding of the complexity and fluidity of the various sexual orientations to the pedagogy/ies of PSCD
e. Create different educational activities and initiatives through which students could reflect upon the beauty of healthy relationships that enrich human lives, and the negative consequences of abusive relationships.
f. Demonstrate through practical examples how true authentic intimacy could be learnt, developed/matured and expressed.
g. Use their understanding of several SRE-related issues to become more empathic with the students’ real struggles and concerns in their different psycho-sexual developmental stages.
This module will be assessed through: Assignment, Presentation, Online Forums.
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