
Technology Enhanced Learning in Science Education

MQF Level: 7

ECTS Value: 2 ECTS

Self Study Hours: 24

Contact Hours: 10

Assessment Hours: 16


Overall Objectives and Outcomes

The way science is taught inevitably provides implicit messages to learners concerning the nature of science; explicit messages about questioning, experimentation or evidence are undermined if these processes are not central to the learning process. This module on Technology Enhanced learning (TEL) explores best practices and strategies in the face-to-face classroom. These approaches make use of digital resources such as e-tools and online applications for interactive learning, diagnostic and formative assessment, retrieval practice, long-term retention and student alertness. They promote reflective teaching practices and in addition, make student learning effective, efficient and enjoyable.

By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:


a. Relate lesson planning and class implemented activities to learning theories and neuro-science;

b. Actively discuss case studies in literature dealing with different teaching strategies including technology integration.

c. Design and create activities which make learning efficient, effective and enjoyable.

d. Design and carry out effective laboratory work that engages students to carry out problem solving;

e. Develop students’ skills in nature of science to effectively engage in scientific thinking and knowledge of science as part of their learning;

f. Develop their own digital resources to support learning.

g. Implement and evaluate the technology based instructional strategies and adapt the pedagogy to diverse student needs.

h. Reflect upon their experiences in implementing innovative teaching approaches and share insights with peers to foster professional growth;

i. Design lesson plans relating to brain-based learning and learning theories;


a. Explain learning theories which relate to TEL;

b. Identify the basic brain anatomy and describe how the brain relates to memory, cognition, long-term retention and alertness;

c. Explain the different technological pedagogical content knowledge;

d. Describe classroom management and student engagement in technology enhanced/integrated learning and how to deal with any challenges;

e. Discuss the benefits and constraints experienced by teachers and students.


a. Apply brain –based learning concepts and learning theories in the design of interactive lessons which integrate TEL in the classroom;

b. Use TEL activities specifically for teaching reflective practices, diagnostic and formative assessment, student retrieval practice, long-term retention and alertness;

c. Apply TEL for effective and efficient learning in both individual and collaborative student practices;

d. Use multimodal approaches to adapt content in an effective  manner  for diverse student needs;

e. Engage students in inquiry-based and problem solving situations;

f. Use a variety of laboratory equipment and technology to maximise teaching efficacy in the laboratory;

g. Understand how implicit messages in IT-based content may relate to inclusivity, diversity, and accessibility;

h. Analyze and interpret the implicit messages embedded in IT-based scientific content, recognizing the technological implications and societal impacts of scientific advancements;

i. Critique case studies concerning technology adoption in the classroom.

Assessment Methods

This module will be assessed through: Assignment.

Suggested Readings

Core Reading List
  1. Riopel, M., & Smyrnaiou, Z., (Eds) (2016). New Developments in Science and Technology Education, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland
  2. M.D. (2014). Minds Online: Teaching Effectively with Technology. Harvard University Press, Massachusetts US.
  3. De Freitas, S., & Jameson . J., (Eds) (2012) The E-learning Reader. Continuum International Publishing Group, London UK.
  4. Brown, M. & Hartnett, M., (2014). Learning in the digital age: How are the ways in which we learn changing with the use of technologies? Cengage Learning.
  5. Smith Budhai, S., Skipwith, K., (2022). Best Practices in Engaging Online Learners Through Active and Experiential Learning Strategies. Routledge.
  6. Pacansky-Brock, M., (2017). Best Practices for Teaching with Emerging Technologies. Routledge.
Supplementary Reading List:
  1. Hennessy, S., Wishart, J., Whitelock, D., Deaney, R., Brawn, R., Velle, L. la, … Winterbottom, M. (2007). Pedagogical approaches for technology-integrated science teaching. Computers & Education, 48(1), 137–152.
  2. Jimoyiannis, A. (2010). Designing and implementing an integrated technological pedagogical science knowledge framework for science teachers’ professional development. Computers & Education, 55(3), 1259–1269.
  3. Kim, M. C., Hannafin, M. J., & Bryan, L. A. (2007). Technology‐enhanced inquiry tools in science education: An emerging pedagogical framework for classroom practice. Science Education, 91(6), 1010–1030.
  4. Maeng, J. L. (2017). Using Technology to Facilitate Differentiated High School Science Instruction. Research in Science Education, 47(5), 1075–1099.
  5. Robinson, M. (2005). Robotics-Driven Activities: Can They Improve Middle School Science Learning? Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society, 25(1), 73–84.
  6. Rutten, N., van Joolingen, W. R., & van der Veen, J. T. (2012). The learning effects of computer simulations in science education. Computers & Education, 58(1), 136–153.
  7. Sorensen, P., Twidle, J., & Childs, A. (2014). Collaborative approaches in initial teacher education: lessons from approaches to developing student teachers’ use of the Internet in science teaching. Teacher Development, 18(1), 107–123.
  8. Welch Anita, & Huffman Douglas. (2011). The Effect of Robotics Competitions on High School Students’ Attitudes Toward Science. School Science and Mathematics, 111(8), 416–424.
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