
Postgraduate Certificate in Digital Competences for Education

Postgraduate Certificate in Digital Competences for Education

MQF Level: 7

ECTS Value: 30 ECTS

Annual Start Date:
16 September

Mode of Delivery: Blended

Duration: 2 Years (Part-time)

Home/EU/EEA Fees: €300 per year
International Fee: €1,500 full fee

Programme Description

This programme provides participants with formal training to those working within the education profession who wish to upgrade their digital skills and competences in the area of digital literacies. The Digital Competence Framework for Educators (DigCompEdu) was the framework which was taken into consideration in the development of this programme.

Entry Requirements

Applicants are required to be in possession of the following:

1. A first degree at MQF Level 6 (minimum of 180 ECTS, or equivalent) in the area of education or inclusive education; OR

2. A first degree at MQF Level 6 (minimum of 180 ECTS, or equivalent) in addition to a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (MQF Level 6, 60 ECTS) or equivalent.

Course Outline

First Year

Second Year

N.B. Please note that while the above provides an indication of the overall programme structure, the years in which modules are delivered may change or be replaced as part of the Institute for Education’s administrative processes.

Overall Objects and Outcomes

By the end of this programme, the learner will be able to:

1. Develop strategies to use digital technologies to enhance organisational communication within the educational community;

2. Design effective teaching and learning resources to support the development of individuals;

3. Evaluate the use of digital technologies to collaborate, design and assess;

4. Create and co-create digital resources to support and enhance the learning experience;

5. Demonstrate knowledge of privacy, copyright rules, licences, ethical and social issues related to the use of digital technology;

6. Use digital technologies in teaching and learning to best meet the individual’s needs;

7. Apply digital technologies for formative and summative assessment;

8. Implement digital technologies to address learners’ diverse needs and foster creative engagement with the subject matter.

Assessment Methods

This programme adopts continuous and summative methods of assessment including assignments, online tasks, reflective journals, resource creation, projects and video presentations. For further details, kindly refer to the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy and Procedures​.

Mode of Delivery

This programme adopts a blended approach to teaching and learning, 75% will be delivered online and 25% face-to-face. The online approach may be either synchronous and asynchronous sessions. Information related to the structure and delivery of the module may be accessed through the specific programme outline available above. For further details, kindly refer to the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy and Procedures. The language of instruction and assessment is English or as otherwise prescribed.

Lectures are held either online or at the Institute for Education and/or workshops/sports grounds of licensed compulsory education schools or premises.


Applications for this programme open mid-May of each year with programmes commencing the following September​.

When open, interested applicants may apply through the Institute for Education’s online portal:

Non-EU/EAA international course participants who intend to move to Malta for study reasons, for the duration of the programme, require an authorisation from Identity Malta in order to be able to study locally.

For any queries related to the Admissions process kindly contact [email protected]

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