
Writing Across the Curriculum

MQF Level: 6

ECTS Value: 1 ECTS

Duration: 2 Sessions

Contact Hours: 5

Self Study Hours: 12

Assessment Hours: 8


Module Description

This module will focus on writing process strategies educators can implement within a balanced literacy approach in the classroom and within the Agency’s after-school writing initiatives/programmes.

These key areas will be tackled:

  1. Writing across the curriculum – how writing skills can be integrated with all aspects of the curriculum.
  2. Plan writing on-site workshops.
  3. Working with and empowering parents/caregivers.

Overall Objectives and Outcomes

By the end of this module, the learner will be able to:


a) Plan and develop writing activities, integrating such activities across different subject areas;
b) Prepare and deliver on-site writing workshops;
c) Effectively plan writing activities to include and empower parents/caregivers;
d) Assist parents/caregivers in implementing follow-up writing strategies at home with their child.


a) Writing strategies for on-site activities;
b) The phases of a writing on-site workshop;
c) Parent/caregiver empowerment in writing on-site workshops/activities.


a) Work with parents/caregivers;
b) Implement writing in different subject areas;
c) Evaluate own methodology and implement the most appropriate writing strategies within his/her classroom/group context;
d) Evaluate the impact of parents/guardians in their writing setting.

Mode of Delivery

This module adopts a blended approach to teaching and learning. Information related to the structure and delivery of the module may be accessed through the IfE Portal. For further details, kindly refer to the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy and Procedures found on the Institute for Education’s website

Assessment Methods

This module may be assessed through: Practical Task and Workshop

Suggested Readings

Core Reading List

1) Ciecierski, L.M. & Bintz, W.P. (2015). Using authentic literature to develop challenging and integrated curriculum. Middle School Journal, vol. 46, no. 5, pp. 17-25.

2) DeFauw, D.L. (2017). Writing with Parents in Response to Picture Book Read-Alouds. Reading Horizons (Online), vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 22-41.

3) Hicks, T. & Sibberson, F. (2015). Students as Writers and Composers: Workshopping in the Digital Age. Language Arts, vol. 92, no. 3, pp. 223-230.

4) Maloch, B. & Bomer, R. (2013). Teaching about and with Informational Texts: What Does Research Teach Us? Language Arts, vol. 90, no. 6, pp. 441-450.

5) Peary, A. & Hunley, T.C. (2015). Digital Technologies and Creative Writing Pedagogy. Creative Writing Pedagogies for the Twenty-First Century pp 427-471 Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale. Available from: ProQuest Ebook Central

6) Richardson, E.M. (2017). Graphic Novels Are Real Books: Comparing Graphic Novels to Traditional Text Novels. Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin, vol. 83, no. 5, pp. 24-31.

7) Rhoades, M. (2016). “Little Pig, Little Pig, Yet Me Come In!” Animating The Three Little Pigs with Preschoolers. Early Childhood Education Journal, vol. 44, no. 6, pp. 595-603.

Supplementary Reading List

1) Cowley C. (2011). Getting the buggers to write. London & New York: Continuum International Publishing Group.

2) Gardner, D. (2008). Vocabulary recycling in children’s authentic reading materials: A corpusbased investigation of narrow reading. Reading in a Foreign Language, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 92-122.

3) Honan, E. (2009). Fighting the rip: Using digital texts in classrooms. English Teaching, vol. 8, no.3, pp. 21.

4) Taylor, M. (2012). Using Technology to Motivate Reluctant Writers in a Third Grade Classroom. Journal of School Connections, 4(1), 81-95.

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