
Professional Learning Areas for CoPE Sessions

Community of Professional Educators (CoPE)

Schools are obliged to offer their educators professional training in relation to their School Development Plan in the form of CoPE sessions. The IfE has compiled a list of Professional Learning Areas that schools can choose from. SLTs can communicate their requested CoPE session/s by completing the online Management Driven Professional Development CoPE Sessions Request Form

Management Driven Professional Development CoPE Sessions Request Form

If there is a specific area that is not found on the above list, please indicate the area/s when completing the above form or send an email to [email protected].


Assessment for Learning (AfL) strategies
Assessment of Learning and Examination Paper Setting and Evaluation
Formative Assessment
International Assessments – PIRLS and TIMSS


Activitiy manegement

Adult education – working with adults, teaching adults, andragogy.

Change management ‘Professional Capital – transforming teachers into reflective practitioners’

Change management assessment methods within a learning outcome approach.

Classroom management.

Coaching for educational leaders

Collaboration and networking. Leading the professional team – collaborations with complimantery teacher, LSA, INCO, SMT

Collaborative learning- Setting up a community of practice among teachers

Communication skills for SMT / educators

Developing and Implementing policies (college or school-based) analytics for the classroom teacher/educators | Measuring Innovation in Education

Developing a professional Learning Community through Collaborative Practices

Early school leavers

Educational governance and governing and educational accountability

Education mentoring

Event management

Job motiviation, satisfaction and stress in education

Leaders for 21st century schools

Leadership and management skills for SMT

Leadership inter-intra personal skills

Leadership skills through sociology

Management, communication, teamwork, health related issues like stress and physical exercise

Personal empowerment

Positive relationships in educational leadership

Positive relationships in schools

Professional learning communities

Professional learning communities / Learning organisations

Project management

Relationships and how they affect our performance at work, communication techniques, conflict management, teaching styles

The teacher as a leader in the primary classroom: The merging of theory and practice

Understanding and implementing the early years policy

Understanding and Implementing the inclusion policies

Understanding school development planning

Understanding school external reviews


A school environment for all: including those pupils with cognative and sensory challenges.

Academic intervention, strategies and resources

Addressing LGBTIQ issues in primary and secondary schools

Adlerian psychology 

Autism in girls

Autism Spectrum Disorders – an Introduction

Autism Spectrum Disorders – Dealing with challenging behaviour

Autism Spectrum Disorders – Including the child with ASD in the mainstream Primary classroom

Autism Spectrum Support

Behaviour management

Behavioural, learning and developmental difficulties

Bullying, prevention and intervention

Career guidance

Challenging behaviour

Challenging youth

Child abuse

Child development

Child development across the lifespan supporting students whose parents are going through seperation / other losses

Children’s mental health

Circle time

Classroom management techniques for students with learning and behavioural needs

Classroom resources for managing challenging behaviour

Cognitive development: How children learn

Communication skills

Conditions and disorders such as Autism, ADHD; dylsexia

Conflict resoultion

Cooperation through effective communication

Creating a class/school code of conduct / collegiality

Creating an environment conducive to learning

Creating cooperative relationships self-coaching

Creating positive school climates for LGBTIQ students

Criminality, juvenile delinquency

Cultural competence in classroom

Customer care

Dealing with challenging behaviour

Dealing with children & parents with learning and behaviour difficulites

Dealing with difficult situations assertively (parents/colleagues/ students)

Designing an emotional literacy course for primary / secondary school learners.

Designing and implementing a behaviour modification plan (BMP).

Development of speech and language in children

Developmental psychology

Dietary related issues for adults

Dietary related issues for children

Diets in special conditions

Dyslexia-friendly practice in mainstream schools

Early Childhood Intervention and practices

Eating disorders: the DSM V criteria of eating disorders, causes of eating disorders, risk factors of eating disorders, early detection and support.

Educational neuroscience and brain development

Effective communication

Embracing self: Building confidence and assertiveness

Emotional dysregulation in children and adult skills (parenting/teacher) to help children towards better behaviour techniques

Emotional literacy

Enhancing self-esteem and self-confidence

Enhancing the self-esteem of pupils in our schools – Through multi-sensory and experiental approaches

Exploring emotions and working with disappointment and anger

Exploring self: vision and purpose

Gender mainstreaming

Gestalt psychotherapy

Good practices for inclusive educational settings

Healthy lifestyles

Helping educators to understand students’ negative behaviour and how to redirect it

Helping skills even in transcultural settings

Helping students with challenging behaviour: Providing positive classroom supports

High ability students

Identifying stress, how it infulences the individual and those around, ways to mitigate it, including relaxation techniques

Educational psychology related to children and adolescents.


Improving classroom achievement of SEBD pupils

Inclusion awareness in schools

Introduction to psychology

Journeying into the self and exploring stress

Juvenile delinquency

Jevenile delinquency and Criminality

Key word signing

Learning Processes

Learning support zones

Lifelong carrer guidance and development

Literay and autism

Managing the increase in challenging behaviour in our schools

Maternal despression and its impact on children

Meditation & mindfulness

Mental health (Stress management, El, Anxiety, Anger Management, Eating disorders)

Mental health issues and disability in the classroom – Techniques on how to deal with and address issues

Migration in Europe

Nurture groups & learning support zones

occupational therapy

Perceptions of immigration and terrorism

Personal social development skills for staff and sutdents / communication skills

Personal development

Personal skills – child and adolescent development

Positive discipline – An alternative to rewards and punishments

Povery and welfare state European principles and values

Perparing and delivering a circle time session for emotional literacy.

Preventing and countering violent extremism in schools

Problem solving & action planning

Profound multiple disablibies, mainly intellectual impairment, autism, and other learning difficulties

Psychological assessment

Psychological theories

Psychology of Adolescence and Adulthood


Psychotherapeutic interventions

Restorative Practices & Justice

SEBD (Social, Emotional, Behavioural Difficulties)

Sex & Relationships

Speech and Language Pathology

Strategies how to support various disablities / Communication difficluties and AAC

Strategies, Interventions & Approaches to use SEBD Pupils

Stress management

Students transition from secondary to post secondary, policy, educational research, mentoring, higher education.

Suicide and Self-Harm Behaviours

Suicide risk assessment and self-harm behaviour

Teacher-Student Relationships

Teaching and Career guidance

Teaching methods when there are children with type 1 Diabetes in schools

Telefono Arcobelano – Child Abuse Seminar

Terrorism and political violence

The challenges and opportunities of teaching multicultural classrooms

The EU as a political and economic union

The field of autism and spectrum disorders (mainly on the use of evidence based practices)

Training in Personal skills and Personal development

Understanding ADHD; How to support students with ADHD (and other co-existing conditions) in mainstream classrooms; Supporting parents of students with challenging behaviour

Understanding of Career Guidance and Development

Using Inquiry Based Learning ( IBL) to support the learning of mathematics by learners who present social, emotional and behaviour difficulties (SEBD) in the mathematics classroom. 

Work orientation experiences


Accounting: content and pedagogy

Agribusiness: Learning outcomes framework

Agribusiness: VET and applied subjects with specialization in agribusiness

Bart Therapeutics

Business education and retail: Assessment

Business studies: content and pedagogy

Engineering, Design and technology, graphical communication

Engineering: Fluid engineering

Engineering: Marine engineering building services

Engineering: MEchanical engineering

Engineering: Project management (Construction and building services)

Engineering: Thermodynamics

Entrepreneurship: shoft and hard entrepreneurial skills

Fashion and Textiles: Cottage craft Level 1

Fashion and Textiles: Macrame Level 1

Fashion and Textiles: Quilting and Patchwork Level 1

Fashion and Textiles: Recycled reative Craft Level 1

Fashion and Textiles: Sweing and knowledge about the use of modern / electronic sewing machines Level 1

Fashion: design illustration

Fashion: Collection making

Fashion: Illustrator

Fashion: Pattern making

Fashion: Photoshop in design

Fashion: Tailoring

Graphical: using the freeware 2D software Draftsight and 3D software Google Sketchup as teaching aids to Graphical Communication/D&T teachers who are not provided with the Autocad software and are not comfortable with the use of ICT technology in the classroom. Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy

Health and Social Care

Health and Social Care. Content taught as per SECVOC. (Matsec)

Health and Social Care: Music and creative therapy sessions

Health and Social Care: Pracctical skills aksed for in the content

Home Economics

Hospitality and applied hospitality

Hospitality: Organizing an event

Hospitality: Organizing work placement in the Hospitality industry

ICT and Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Retail (SEC & SEAC) Accountancy

Internal and external verification prodecudes

IT: Teaching and assessing vocational information technology



Early Childhood Education: Creativity and Creative Thinking

Early Years Education and Care

Educational Management in Early Years

Planning linked to LOFs in the Early Years

Preventing ELET (early leaving from education and training) Through innovative pedagogies: Including all learnings through Multiple Intelligence’s and Bloom’s Taxonomy

Teaching Religious Education in the Early Years


Accounting, Business Studies and Retail

Art Education

Art: Interdisciplinary in the arts



Biology content

Biology Inquiry Based Learning

Biology pedagogy

Biology: Changes in the Biology curriculum

Business development

Business Education and Retail

Business Studies pedagogy

Citizenship education for PSCD teachers.

Drama and acting

Drama, media literacy and education

Drama: Artistic direction (theatre and TV)

Drama: Public Speaking

Drama: Scriptwriting

Drama: Teaching of drama and theatre studies

Drama: Using drama to help difficult students ( behavioural problems / low self-esteem / to foster identity )

Drama: Using theatre / drama techniques in literature lessons to analyse literary texts (poems, plays, prose)

Drama: Using theatre techniques / drama in Language Lessons

Economics: Pedagogy at Advanced, Intermediate and Ordinary Levels

Engineering: Basic electronics school laboratory practice

English Language Teaching

English Language Teaching, Assessment

English Language Teaching, Classroom Management, Critical and Creative Pedagogies, Assessment

English Language Teaching, Personal, Social and Career Development

English: Training the trainer in English


Environmental Studies: Promoting Environmental Education through Significant Life Experiences.

Ethics Education

European Studies

foreign Language teaching and learning

French: In French language Teaching and learning

Global Mindset Developer

Health and Safety

History: Content, curriculum and pedagogy

History: History pedagogy

History: History related areas

History: Teaching History through historical fiction / National identity in children’s literature

Humanities (Geography, History, Social Studies & European Studies)

IBL and Economics’ Pedagogy at Ordinary Intermediate and Advanced levels

Italian: Methodology of teaching Italian

Maltese: Teaching Maltese in Primary and Secondary schools (Pedagogy and Content)

Matli: It-taghlim tal-Malti


Math: Mathematics Primary Education – subject content and pedagogy, setting action plans, school-based and college-based Maths policies/plans, hands-on, problem-solving, mental maths, applied maths, maths outside the classroom, calculation strategies, STEAM, cross-curricular Maths, Maths for meaning, etc

Math: Primary Mathematics

Media Literacy

Modern Foreign Language Teaching

Music Education

Music Education – Primary

Personal, Social and Career Development (PSCD)

Personal, Social and Career Development: Social, Emotional and Behavioural Disorders

Physical Education

Physical Education, Health and Social Care


Princes Trust International – Achieve and Alternative Programmes in Schools and Centres


Religious Education

Religion: Moral Development in Early Years

Religion: Moral Development in the Primary Sector

Religion: Moral Development in the Secondary Sector

Science Pedagogy

Science Popularisation Events

Science: Biology and Chemistry

Science: Climate Science

Science: Earth Science

Science: Formation of Science educators

Science: Primary Education, Sciences Education

Science: Promoting Science Careers

Second language teaching and learning

Social Sciences including the philosophy of ethics, philosophy of language, philosophy of digital technology, rehabilitation among offenders and hermeneutics.

Social Studies (Primary)

Social Studies(Secondary)

Social Studies: Using FB as an educational tool




3D printing (at DTLC facilities)

Active Inspire, Starboard and Smartboard software


Collaborative projects such as the eTwinning platform.

Computational thinking

Computing methodology

Course design for online learning

Creating collaborative eTwinning projects

Creating STEM projects using bee-bots, weDo and Probots

Design & Technology education

Design and Technology subject content (Resistant materials, Electronics)

Design Graphics for D&T (at DTLC facilities)

Design process and strategy

Digital assessment

Digital game-based learning

Digital Literacy

Digital Literacy and 21st Century competences

Digital Literacy in the classroom

Digital literacy / digital citizenship

Digital media / media literacy

Digital technologies found in the schools eg Lego Wedo, bee-bots, pro-bots

Digital tools- both online and other digital devices used in primary schools

Effective use of IWB software such as Starboard, Smart Notebook and Active Inspire

Effective use of tablets in primary classroom

e-learning methodologies

Enhancing teaching with technology (in the primary sector)

eTwinning as a tool for communication, collaboration and professional development.

Game-Based Learning

Graphical Communication

Graphics in Technology

How to use tablets in an effective way.

Innovative tools for learning (digital and non digital)


Online Education

Product Design for D&T

Resources & Tools for online learning

Robotics for Design and Technology (at DTLC facilities)

Tablet training for primary teachers

Teaching Computing

Technology enhancing teaching and learning

Technology tools for teaching students with dyslexia and other special needs

Training in IWBs and digital resources in the primary schools

Use of social networks/media in education

Using CNC Machines: 3D printing, Laser machine, vinyl cutter

Using Ilearn – our Virtual classroom (VLE) The 4 C’s of Education for the 21st Century

Using Interactive flat panels and their software such as ActivInspire.

Using Robots with primary school children

Using Web 2.0 tools in the primary classrooms

Various electronic topics in Design and Technology

Web 2.0 tools in education


Education for sustainable development

Education for Sustainable Development (including EkoSkola) and out-of-class activities.

Education for Sustainable Development as a cross-curricular theme

Embedding 21st Century skills and competences for nurturing employable citizens, catalysts for a healthier society, economy and natural environment

Environmental matters relating to: (i) water management awareness issues; and (ii) field work organisation; and (iii) both class-room based and on-site teacher training.

Global/Development Education

Mission-based learning aligned to UNESCO sustainable development goals and UNESCO priorities

Modelling environmental behaviour 

Primary school teaching and learning through nature

Sustainable development

Training on the rural environmental matters in order to provide a better understanding of Maltese countryside development and settlement location during the past millennium. 

Waste management on the Maltese islands.


Parental Involvement

Parental Involvement in terms of Reading


Creating intercultural competencies

Education for democracy and globalisation

Education for globalisation in periods of crisis – a Study in multiculturalism and interculturalism

Group dynamics, bullying and how to tackle cultural differences in the work place

Intercultural communication, diversity and inclusion, migration, integration, migrant children, sociology, religious diversity

Intercultural competence (as a key 21st century skill)

Intercultural education

Interculturalism in the primary sector


Managing the multicultural classroom at primary level

Migrant Learners’ Unit

Migration, asylum and sustainable development in relation to education sector

Multicultural education, leadership in multicultural school, equity and justice in education, racism

Multiculturalism and education

Studies for pedagogies in a multicultural classroom

The multicultural classroom


EU Affairs

EU Funds

EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

EU Studies

European Projects and EU  funds

European Studies

International Relations

Political Science


21st century skills and innovative pedagogies

Alternative curricula for youth post 16

Blended learning

Classroom management

Classroom management at primary level

Coaching in mindfulness

Constructive Alignment (aligning learning outcomes with assessment tasks and teaching/learning activies)

Cooperative learning

Creative writing

Creativity and Innovation (Edward Debono)

Creative thinking: lateral thinking including Edward de Bono thinking skills

Critical and Creative Pedagogies

Deep Learning – ‘What’s it all about

Differentiated teaching

Early School Leaving

Educational law

Effective communication skills

Financial literacy

How to apply to Howard Garnder’s theory of Multiple Intelligences in the Primary/Secondary sector

Informal learning, Out-of-class learning

Inquiry Based Learning in STEM subjects

Interpersonal and intrapersonal skills related to educational issues including non-formal education

Intra and Interpersonal skills

Learning Outcomes (Development and effective writing)

Life skills in the work environment

Mindful teaching

Paired reading

Pedagogy in Primary Schools

Panning – a key to success; setting goals and standard (Schemes of work, lesson planning, reflection on practice)

Planning and preparation of curriculum – Secondary

Presentations and public speaking

Project Based Learning in the primary classroom ( The Project Approach

Project Based Learning in the secondary Sector

Public speaking

Reflective practices

SDGs and education for sustainable development

Self-Reflective Practitioner

STEM/STEAM, Science education in the early, primary, and middle school years.

Student Engagement and Learning Strategies

Teacher training as a professional and a vocation.

Teaching methods, skills and performance – Secondary

The language of schooling

Youth work / youth policy / dealing with young people


Academic writing

Action research and action learning

Research and design

Research and development

Research and innovation in education

Research methodologies

Research methods and techniques in education

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