
Professional Development for Educators


An educator’s professional learning process is a continuous cycle of reflection, application and evaluation that occurs

throughout their professional career.
The Institute for Education is dedicated to providing high quality professional learning opportunities for all educators
seeking to improve their knowledge, competences and practice related to their role in education.


What's in it for YOU?

(Click on each icon for more info)

Enhanced Teaching Skills

Up-to-Date Knowledge

Individualised Learning

Student Achievement

Building a Positive School Culture

Teacher Motivation & Satisfaction

Retention & Recruitment

Meeting Deverse Student Needs

Adapting to Educational Challenges

Lifelong Learning Culture

Professional development for teachers is not just a checkbox requirement; it is a critical investment in the future of

It empowers educators to be proactive, innovative, and responsive to the ever-changing needs of their students
and the educational landscape. By continuously growing and improving their skills, teachers play a pivotal role in
shaping leaders and thinkers of tomorrow.

Self-Reflective Tool

In order to assist educators in the reflective process and to personalise their
professional learning choices, the IfE invites educators to use the Individual Professional Development Plan. The IPDP is a self-reflective tool that guides the
educator to focus on SMART goals relevant to their current professional practice
and prospective future career path.

Using the Individual Professional Development Plan

Using a strategic individual professional development plan for setting goals in educator professional development is essential for several reasons:

Every teacher has unique strengths, weaknesses, and career aspirations. A strategic individual professional development plan takes these factors into account, allowing teachers to focus on areas that align with their interests and growth needs. This personalised approach ensures that the learning experience is relevant and applicable to their specific teaching context.

A well-designed individual plan allows teachers to identify specific skills or competencies they want to improve. By setting clear goals, teachers can concentrate on acquiring the knowledge and abilities they need to excel in their roles, making their professional development more effective and efficient

When teachers have a say in their professional development goals, they become more motivated and engaged in the learning process. This ownership of their growth journey fosters a sense of responsibility and dedication to achieving their objectives.

Individual professional development plans can be aligned with the overall goals and mission of the educational institution. By ensuring that teachers’ growth aligns with the school’s vision, the entire organization benefits from a more cohesive and focused approach to teacher development.

Strategic individual professional development plans encourage teachers to think about their long-term career goals. By mapping out a clear path for growth and advancement, teachers can envision their professional journey and take deliberate steps to achieve career milestones.

Clearly defined goals and objectives in individual plans make it easier to evaluate the effectiveness of professional development efforts. Measurable outcomes allow teachers and administrators to assess progress, identify areas of improvement, and make data-driven decisions to enhance future development initiatives.

By having a strategic plan, teachers can allocate their time and resources effectively. They can prioritise development activities, attend workshops or courses that align with their goals, and make the most of the opportunities available to them.

Individual plans provide a framework for administrators and mentors to offer targeted support and guidance to teachers. When educators share their goals, it facilitates collaboration among colleagues who can provide valuable insights and encouragement along the way.

A strategic individual professional development plan encourages teachers to engage in reflective practice. Regularly reviewing and updating their goals prompts self-assessment and helps teachers identify their strengths and areas for growth.

When teachers see their progress and growth through a strategic plan, it enhances their job satisfaction. Knowing that they are continually developing their skills and expertise fosters a sense of fulfilment in their profession.

A strategic individual professional development plan empowers teachers to take control of their growth journey, align
their goals with the institution’s objectives, and develop targeted skills that enhance their effectiveness in the
classroom. This personalised approach not only benefits the individual teacher but also contributes to a more dynamic,
capable, and motivated teaching workforce, ultimately leading to improved student outcomes.

Self-Sought Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Educators are encouraged to attend self-sought courses to enhance their
professional development and benefit from the Accelerated Progression Scheme.
The IfE offers an array of accredited awards and non-accredited modules covering
all areas of education.

Choose from the following:
Educator Sessions



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Community of Professional Educators

Schools are obliged to offer their educators professional training in relation to their
School Development Plan in the form of CoPE sessions. The IfE has compiled a List of Professional Learning Areas that schools can choose from. SLTs can communicate their requested CoPE session/s by completing the online CoPE Sessions Request Form.

For more information kindly visit: Management Driven Professional Development

Parental / Guardian Sessions

The IfE can also collaborate with schools to organise learning opportunities for parents. These sessions are the perfect way to equip parents/guardians with the right educational tools to become partners in the education and wellbeing of their children.

Choose from the series of sessions by visiting Parental/Guardian Sessions.

Get In Touch

Let’s launch your Professional Development journey today!

📧 [email protected]

📞 2598 3621



In order to assist educators in the reflective process and to personalise their professional learning choices, the IfE invites educators to use the Individual Professional Development Plan. The IPDP is a self-reflective tool that guides the educator to focus on SMART goals relevant to their current professional practice and prospective future career path.

Educators are encouraged to attend self-sought courses to enhance their professional development and benefit from the Accelerated Progression Scheme. The IfE offers an array of accredited awards and non-accredited modules covering all areas of education. Choose from the following:

Master in Applied Educational Leadership

Master of Science in STEM Education and Engagement

PGC in Digital Competences for Education


Educator Sessions

Schools are obliged to offer their educators professional training in relation to their School Development Plan in the form of CoPE sessions. The IfE has compiled a List of Professional Learning Areas that schools can choose from. SLTs can communicate their requested CoPE session/s by completing the online CoPE Sessions Request Form.

For further information kindly visit

Management Driven Professional Development

For assistance send an email to

[email protected]

or call

2598 3621

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