Psychology of Education: Child Development, Creativity and Managing Challenging Behaviours.
Today’s educational system is highly complex. There is no single learning approach that works for everyone. A close look at the psychology of education will help educators to identify and study learning methods to better understand how learners absorb and retain new information. This credit will also help educators working in education to study the social, emotional and cognitive processes involved in learning and apply their findings to improve the learning process.
Child Development: The influence of heredity and the environment on the development of the child and the physical, social, emotional and cognitive development at different ages and in different contexts of the preschool child, the primary school child and the secondary school child in totality.
Development & Cognition: Introduces key elements of cognition including, memory, perception, attention and language, and evaluate how an educator’s knowledge in this area has been informed by the field of cognitive neuropsychology, new technologies and innovative methodologies.
The Learner: This part will have a look at the learner and the impact of the teacher, the school and the family factors on the learning process. It will help educators to gain insight into basic theories of learning such as behaviourism and conditioning approaches to learning, information processing (cognitive) approaches to learning and evidence-based practice. It will also focus on different modalities and levels of learning with a focus on conditions for successful learning and the creation of a suitable environment for child development.
By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:
a. Explain the main implications of educational psychology for teaching and learning across diverse educational contexts;
b. Critically evaluate psychological concepts in educational contexts including individual differences, intelligence and creativity;
c. Reflect on and analyse a theme/issue/concept of relevance.
a. Identify major concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings, and historical trends in both developmental and educational psychology.
b. Examine theories of psychological development and what they state about the factors that influence the learner’s development.
c. Analyse the psychological factors that impact on student engagement and achievement in an educational context.
d. Examine the contextual factors that impact on student achievement in an educational context.
a. Explore the relevance of psychological perspectives to education in terms of how they are used to understand education processes and practices, and how they influence ideas about the nature of education and learning, and special educational needs.
b. Understand how the differences in cognition, development, perception, language and communication will impact the learning process.
c. Develop an ability to engage critically with a range of literature.
This module will be assessed through: Practical Assignment(s).
The Institute for Education is a Further and Higher Education Institution with Licence number 2016-006
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