Academic Skills for Undergraduate Studies
The module provides students with foundational academic and research skills required at undergraduate level. Through this module, course participants will learn how to conduct academic research using appropriate resources, how to analyse and critically evaluate literature and use it to
develop and sustain their own ideas. Participants will also be exposed to writing strategies, and how to express and sustain their own arguments. Throughout the module, participants will also develop an awareness to issues related to plagiarism and ethics which will contribute throughout their
undergraduate studies and beyond.
By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:
a. Conduct research using appropriate and reliable resources and literature;
b. Express ideas and solutions to problems based on appropriate research literature and academic resources;
c. Deploy necessary learning and academic skills necessary for their studies;
d. Employ appropriate style, language and referencing in their own writing.
a. Systematically identify the key aspects of a good academic writing;
b. Identify what type of readings and resouces are appropriate for scholarly research;
c. Develop knowledge of how research databases and online libraries to support own studies;
d. Demonstrate knowledge of language, register and style to support own writing;
e. Develop an awareness of academic integrity and the importance of avoiding plagiarism
f. Develop and awareness of research ethics and the importance of embracing them.
a. Evaluate and use research literature and to inform own judgement and reflections;
b. Apply theoretical and practical knowledge to provide solutions to problems and social issues;
c. Produce and sustain an argument utilising approrpriate writing styles and conventions;
d. Effectively contribute in discussions and debates through different modalities.
This module will be assessed through: Assignment Tasks.
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