Teaching Practice II
For this module the course participant will participate in a 6-week practice placement and will have opportunities of self-reflection about the everyday teaching and learning experience. Consequently, analysis and evaluation of methodologies used will lead to the upgrading of techniques adopted to scaffold learning in an improved manner and on a more personalised level for the child. Evaluation of own practices will be the basis of an action research approach to this module.
By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:
a. Develop a secure environment in which learners can make mistakes and continue to scaffold and proceed in their learning journey;
b. Create a socially just environment in which equity is valued by all and learners are resources for each other;
c. Create an atmosphere in class in which the well-being of each learner can be perceived;
d. Collaborate closely with the Learning Support Assistant through the sharing of scheme of work, lesson planning, resources;
e. Collaborate closely with other teachers and the Senior Management team to enhance the daily learning experience of each learner and promote a professional learning community;
f. Attribute student success to effort rather than ability and valuing resistance as opposed to failure.
a. Describe conducive and diversified learning environment and how effective engagement is crucial in motivating individuals in the learning process;
b. Exhibit strong grasp of deep subject knowledge and the progressions within the subject;
c. Identify with the ‘education for all learners’ strategy and develop essential skills to meet the need of diverse learners in the classroom setting;
d. Identify the strategies and techniques of Assessment for Learning Strategies (AFL) and how these can be used with different learners of different ages and potentials;
e. Describe the difference between a scheme of work and a lesson plan.
f. Write learning outcomes and success criteria within a plan following Bloom’s Taxonomy and an outcomes-based approach;
g. List different reporting and conferencing techniques through defined and planned learning outcomes.
a. Create a positive classroom environment which enhances the performance of students through new techniques and knowledge;
b. Show mastery in how to solve classroom problems, including those of challenging behaviour resulting from various reasons;
c. Diversify tasks for learners using AFL practices, learning outcomes and success criteria;
d. Commence new learning by reviewing where the individual learners stand in their learning, making the experience more personalised;
e. Provide a scaffolded structure to learning;
f. Develop a variety of assessment of learning tools that enhance learning;
g. Give adequate time for practice to embed skills securely and progressively with the help of scaffolded feedback to enhance the personal experience and for equity.
This module will be assessed through: Practicum File and Observations.
The Institute for Education is a Further and Higher Education Institution with Licence number 2016-006
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