Promoting the Principles of Inclusion through Classroom Practices
Malta has one of the highest rates of learners with additional support needs who attend mainstream education settings among the European Union (EU) Member States. (European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education, 2014) Indeed, the rate of learners who receive their education in segregated placements in Malta is just over 0.1%. This proportion is one of the lowest within the countries of the EU.
Provided that mainstream educational settings in Malta are currently experiencing an increase in the number of learners with individual educational needs, it is crucial that aspiring and/or current educators are well prepared to meet the diverse needs of their students. This is essential as research has increasingly demonstrated that a ‘one fit all’ system is unlikely to provide an effective schooling experience to learners. Thus, in order to cater for the various needs and learning styles of the children under their care, it is fundamental that educators put in place the principles of inclusion through classroom practices as this is key to a fruitful and effective learning experience for all. A theoretical model which will be referred to as a lens to inform inclusive classroom practices throughout this module is Mitchell’s (2014) formula of inclusion where:
V + P + 5As + S + R + L = Inclusive Education.
V = Vision; P = Placement; 5As = Adapted Curriculum, Adapted Assessment, Adapted Teaching, Acceptance, Access; S = Support; R = Resources; L = Leadership.
By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:
a. Make applicable decisions which are coherent with the national and international policies available in the field of Inclusive Education when determining support for the students under their care;
b. Demonstrate awareness in relation to the definition and attitudes surrounding inclusion in schools hence acknowledging the difference between a ‘one fit all’ approach and an ‘all inclusive’ pedagogy;
c. Take on responsibilities in order to create an inclusive classroom environment which will benefit all through the application of
d. Classroom instruction which is less restrictive so as to meet
e. The needs of all learners.
a. Define the views and establish a position in relation to the perspectives that surround the concept of inclusive education;
b. Systematically understand and critically evaluate the contents within the national and international policies vis-à-vis to current issues in the field of Inclusive Education;
c. Manage, extend and apply the elements of Mitchell’s (2014) formula of Inclusion within educational practice;
d. Initiate and develop appropriate classroom practice based on the principles of the Universal Design for Learning.
a. Develop his own autonomous beliefs in relation to the perspectives of inclusion;
b. Report upon and implement aspects of the several policies which are currently in place in the field of inclusive education throughout their daily practice;
c. Apply several elements of Mitchell’s (2014) formula within classroom instruction so as to enhance the learning potential of all the students under their care;
d. Engage in reflective thinking so as to develop and design meaningful and inclusive learning experiences for all the learners in the classroom.
This module will be assessed through: Forum Discussions, Reflective Report.
The Institute for Education is a Further and Higher Education Institution with Licence number 2016-006
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