
Conceptualising Hospitality Learning

ECTS Value: 5 ECTS


Overall Objectives and Outcomes

This module will draw on a core component of pedagogical theory, namely Learning By Design (LBD), where it shall discuss the integration of knowledge, skills and attitudes towards Hospitality education. The content shall also bring forth different concepts of knowledge processes and how educators can develop their own strategies of teaching while following the minimum curriculum requirements and maximising student’s knowledge take-up, particularly in Hospitality as a vocational subject area. This module shall therefore capitalise on the duality of Hospitality, i.e. vocational and academic, so as to provide the learner with the necessary tools to create the best learning environment to students.

By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:


a. Critically evaluate students’ learning process and develop adequate teaching skills which correspond to the the actual rate of learning;

b. Analyse the pedagogical theories to class teaching and systematically apply specific concepts which may develop following observation and evaluation of students learning Hospitality;

c. Critically assess the impact of new learning and its method(s) to reflect real-world, down-to-earth situations;

d. Develop an understanding on how the knowledge, skills and attitudes aquired by student can be easily transferrable. 



a. Devise different methods of teaching and learning that address the requirements of different students, including those with cognitive or learning impairment;

b. Develop key guidelines for an educator to engage on continuous professional development

c. Support the transferring of content knowledge in Hospitality to knowledge conveyed within the adequate pedagogical framework;

d. Sustain curriculum understanding and practical implementation. 



a. Identify the educational resources required for the Hospitality class;

b. Design and implement education activities, including assessment of integrative learning experiences and monitoring students’ information take-up;

c. Systematically understand and implement instructional strategies intended to facilitate learning in Hospitality;

d. Assess and address practical concerns of the Hospitality classroom teaching at secondary and post-secondary education, including classroom management; lesson planning; lesson delivery;  syllabus development and implementation; identification of appropriate class notes and readings;
report-writing; and teaching statements;

e. Develop classroom research methods and the assessment techniques used in Hospitality;

f. Observe and identify different student learning styles and apply ad hoc instruction methods to students with minor learning difficulties;

g. Critically inquire the academic and non-academic literature related to Hospitality learning;

h. Evaluate the learning experience of students following the implimentation of specific teaching methods and activities;

i. Engage in a self-critical review of the students’ learning process vis-a-vis the method of teaching applied in a specific topic;

j. Prepare the necessary visal and/or non-visual resources to communicate information about specific Hospitality topics to students;

k. Engage in pedagogical exercises and explain different methods learning;

l. Analyse academic literature related to different students’ learning process;

m. Continuously update oneself on current trends and research in this field of study;

n. Discuss learning processes in Hospitality education with peers;

o. Use digital processing tools for lesson planning and during class, notably word processing, Powerpoint (or similar programs) and spread sheets;

p. Search for specific online resources.  


Assessment Methods

This programme adopts continuous and summative methods of assessment including assignments, online tasks, reflective journals, projects and video presentations. For further details, kindly refer to the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy and Procedures.

Suggested Readings

Core Reading List
1. Baartman, L.K. and De Bruijn, E., 2011. Integrating knowledge, skills and attitudes: Conceptualising learning processes towards vocational competence. Educational Research Review, 6(2), pp.125-134.
2. Hanney, R., 2018. Doing, being, becoming: a historical appraisal of the modalities of project-based learning. Teaching in Higher Education, pp.1-15.
3. Kolodner, J.L., Crismond, D., Gray, J., Holbrook, J. and Puntambekar, S., 1998, December. Learning by design from theory to practice. In Proceedings of the international conference of the learning sciences (Vol. 98, pp. 16-22).
4. Pantelidis, Ioannis and Woodward, K., 2012. Hospitality learning, teaching and research. From teaching restaurant to research lab In: 21st Annual conference Council for Hospitality Management Education, 9-10 May 2012, Birmingham, UK
5. Tran, L.T. and Le, T.T.T., 2018. VET Teachers’ Perceptions of Their Professional Roles and Responsibilities in International Education. In Teacher Professional Learning in International Education (pp. 29-50). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.  

Supplementary Reading List
1. Kalantzis, M. and Cope, B., 2005. Learning by design. Common Ground: Champaign (USA).
2. Sigala, M., 2002. The evolution of internet pedagogy: Benefits for tourism and hospitality education. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education, 1(2), pp.29-45.

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