
Adapted Physical Education

ECTS Value: 4 ECTS


Overall Objectives and Outcomes

Teaching students with different abilities through the adapted and inclusive Physical Education (PE) approach is one of the challenging core pedagogical aspects of schooling. Moreover, this falls under the responsibility of educators to provide programs of inclusion which involve participants with impairments and special needs. This module seeks to provide students with an understanding of inclusion in relation to PE and physical activity. It will also explore the different types of conditions and how this influences their participation in PE. These may be discussed in relation to the principles of equality of opportunity, equity and accessibility.

By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:


a. Deal with the planning of physical activity and recreational programs for persons with disabilities, impairments and chronic illnesses;
b. Create, implement and evaluate adapted activities during PE lessons;
c. Ensure each and every student in the class is safeguarded from exclusion, bullying and/or physical/sexual abuse.


a. Identify and understand the pathophysiology of a range of conditions and their influence for physical activity programs;
b. Identify appropriate pedagogical strategies for students with disabilities, use assessment, and the ability to reflect on practice to improve their performance during physically active lessons;
c. Identify the barriers influencing physical activity and PE participation among children with special needs.


a. Prepare, evaluate and write appropriate PE lessons adapted to emphasise that they are able rather than disabled;
b. Use and adapt the activities according to the abilities of the individual and in conjunction with the student’s LSE;
c. Demonstrate different basic motor skills in adapted physical activity.


Assessment Methods

This programme adopts continuous and summative methods of assessment including assignments, online tasks, reflective journals, projects and video presentations. For further details, kindly refer to the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy and Procedures.

Suggested Readings

Core Reading List
1. Sherrill C. (2004). Adapted Physical Activity, Recreation, and Sport. Crossdisciplinary and Lifespan. McGraw Hill, New York.
2. Kelly LE (2011). Designing and Implementing Effective Adapted Physical Education Programs. Sagamore Publishing. Link:
3. James BR (2011). Speech in Action. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. London and Philadelphia.
4. Davis K. (1990). Adapted Physical Education for Students with Autism. Charcles C. Thomas, United States.
5. Block ME., Obrusnikova I. (2007). Inclusion in Physical Education: A Review of the Literature from 1995-2005. 24, pp. 103-124. Human Kinetics, Inc. Link:
6. Pires Cunha RF., Pires dos Santos PC. (2016). Inclusion in Physical Education: Changing to Include. International Journal of Humanitieis and Social Science Invention. 5 (9), pp. 53-56

Supplementary Reading List
1. Maher AJ., (2017). “We’ve got a few who don’t go to PE”: Learning support assistant and special educational needs coordinator views on inclusion in physical education in England. 23 (2) pp.257-270.
2. DePawu KP & Gavron SJ (2005). Disability Sports, 2, Human Kinetics, United States.
3. Sullivan T., Slagle C., Hapshie TJ., Brevard D., Brevard V. (2012). Built It So They Can Play. Human Kinetics, United States

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