
Health, Welfare and Social Inclusion

ECTS Value: 5 ECTS

Contact Hours: 25

Self Study Hours: 75

Assessment Hours: 25


Overall Objectives and Outcomes

The aim of this module is to enable course participants to understand what is Welfare and how health and social inclusion affect welfare at both personal and collective levels. Students will be required to develop a critical appreciation of the particular circumstances – political, social, economic and cultural that affect Welfare at different levels. The module will introduce the participants to issues such as public policy, economic policies, social policies, Health policies and how these effect welfare. A comparative approach between different types of welfare systems and related policies will also be presented to help create a broad understand of the subject.

By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:


  • Systematically recognise trends in Health and Welfare;
  • Constructively evaluate different Welfare systems and their aspects and how these affect social inclusion;
  • Show appreciation of different Health systems;
  • Sustain arguments with regard to social inclusion;
  • Be au currant about contemporary debates in relation welfare and social inclusion.  


  • Systematically comprehend and define key terms in health, welfare and social inclusion;
  • Critically evaluate the social and economic aspects and impacts of Health, welfare and social inclusion, using case studies from Malta as an example;
  • Systematically appreciate the importance of sustaining a healthy lifestyle;
  • Systematically comprehend how health is affected by social conditions such as poverty, nutrition, stress, safety at work, housing, and sanitation, Malta will be used as a case-study;
  • Systematically identify and critically assess different types of Welfare systems, namely the welfare state and the Welfare society models;
  • Appreciate the role of, supranational Health organisations; such as the World Health Organisation, Red Cross, and Doctors without Borders; 
  • Critically understand and analyse the effects of poverty on Health and welfare in society, using Malta as a case study;
  • Understand and appreciate types and of social exclusion such as age, class, gender, race and belief systems, digital divide; links between social exclusion, crime, and poverty.


  • Dentify the appropriate theories in social inclusion, welfare and health;
  • Determine the best form of research approach in studying Health and welfare;
  • Apply the theories explored about Health and social inclusion to real life situation;
  • Interpret and apply data gathered through qualitative and quantitative methods in the social science field;
  • Reference correctly the appropriate literature used;
  • Develop the ability to plan and develop a research project/assignment  

Mode of Delivery

This module adopts a blended approach to teaching and learning. Information related to the structure and delivery of the module may be accessed through the IfE Portal. For further details, kindly refer to the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy and Procedures found on the Institute for Education’s website.

Assessment Methods

This programme adopts continuous and summative methods of assessment including assignments, online tasks, reflective journals, projects and video presentations. For further details, kindly refer to the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy and Procedures.

Suggested Readings

Core Reading List
Barry, N. (1990). Welfare. (Concepts in the social sciences). Open U.P. Coatsworth, J. (1996). Welfare. The American Historical Review, 101(1), 1-12.

Coburn, D. (2015). Income inequality, welfare, class and health: A comment on Pickett and Wilkinson, 2015. Social Science & Medicine, 146, 228-232.

Villar, A., & SpringerLink. (2017). Lectures on Inequality, Poverty and Welfare (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, 685). 


Supplementary Reading List
Coburn, D. (2012). Health inequalities: A response to Scambler. Sociology of Health & Illness, 34(1), 149-150.

Crespy, A. (2016). Welfare Markets in Europe The Democratic Challenge of European Integration (Palgrave Studies in European Political Sociology).

International Conference On Social Welfare. (1969). Social welfare and human rights: Proceedings of the XIVth International Conference on Social Welfare, Helsinki, Finland, August 18-24, 1968. Columbia U.P.

Macelli, N. (1999). Trace ’99 : Directory of social welfare services in Malta and Gozo. Floriana: Social Welfare Development Programme.

Wilkinson, & Pickett. (2015). Reply to Coburn’s income inequality, welfare, class and health. Social Science & Medicine, 146, 233-234.  


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