
MAEL 201
Educational Planning and Project Management

ECTS Value: 5 ECTS

Contact Hours: 25

Self Study Hours: 60

Assessment Hours: 40


Overall Objectives and Outcomes

Educational leadership is critical for the well-being of students within an educational environment. In a constant drive to meet the diverse requirements of students, social influences and economic considerations, educational leaders require fundamental competencies related to strategic planning and management, project management and monitoring, and policy analysis. Within this context, this module aims to equip current and potential educational leaders with these fundamental competencies to be able to plan, manage and evaluate effectively and efficiently. 

By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:


a. Develop and devise educational strategies; 
b. Critically identify external international and local drivers that influence educational strategy; 
c. Systematically understand strategic planning concepts and issues; 
d. Identify and initiate value-added educational projects both within an educational organisation and at national level; 
e. Analyse opportunities and sources of funding for educational projects; 
f.  Effectively manage educational projects.  



a. Underpinning principles of strategic quality management; 
b. Analysis of market and PESTEL factors; 
c. Business and operational sub-plans for educational strategies; 
d. Quality assurance frameworks and tools; 
e. Essential characteristics of projects; 
f. Project management techniques and monitoring tools; 
g. Sources of funding available for education and training. 



a. Develop a strategic plan for educational organisation/project; 
b. Analyse existing policy and determine strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and strengths; 
c. Apply project management techniques to develop and monitor educational projects. 


Assessment Methods

This programme adopts continuous and summative methods of assessment including assignments, online tasks, reflective journals, projects and video presentations. For further details, kindly refer to the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy and Procedures.

Suggested Readings

Core Reading List
1. Baldacchino, G. and Farrugia, C.; Editors (2002) Educational Planning and Management in Small States:  concepts and experiences, Commonwealth Secretariat, London 
2. Rothaermel, F (2016) Strategic Management. McGrawHill 
3. Sallis, E (2006) Total Quality Management in Education. Routledge. 
4. Young, T (2006) Successful project management. Kogan Page 
5. Ginevri, W. and Trilling, B (2017); Project Management for Education: The Bridge to 21st Century Learning, Project Management Institute.  

Supplementary Reading List
1. José A. Amador, J., Miles, L., & Peters, C. (2006); The Practice of Problem Based Learning, JosseyBass 
2. Duch, B.; Groh, S. & Allen, D.; Editors (2001); The Power of Problem Based Learning; Stylus Publishing 
3. Flint, W.; (2007); Problem based learning: Welcome to the real world: A teaching model for adult learners; Book Surge Publishing

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