Research Component
This module requires course participants to undertake an individual research component relevant to professional practice in the education sector. This part of the course requires the individual to identify and construct research questions related to an area of education, critically evaluate appropriate literature of the respective field, devise and carry out appropriate research methods, and critically interpret and examine the results and contribution of one’s research to the educational setting. In the process, the course participant is expected to comply with academic rigour and present findings in a well-structured and cogently argued form.
By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:
a. Crically assess and evaluate current literature on the chosen subject to define an area of study and formulate the research questions;
b. Employ the appropriate methodology to acheive the research targets as formulated in the research questions;
c. Clearly communicate to a specialised and non-specialised audiences of own research findings;
d. Manage a research project within a specified timeframe;
e. Employ strategies to ensure ethical and social issues that may arise from the research are addressed and mitigated.
a. Appraise the theoretical, scientific and/or empirical knowledge appropriate for the study;
b. Determine the contextual framework for the research;
c. Demonstrates critical knowledge of theoretical and evidence-based practices within the educational field;
d. Outline ethical and social issues within the field of educational research;
e. Demonstate a critical and anlytical approach towards indepth knowledge of the specific subject matter.
a. Design a research project related to a pedagogical and/or educational theme;
b. Adapt appropriate research methods to the field of study;
c. Formulate methods of collecting, manipulating and analysing data;
d. Analyse and assess the ethical implications of the research;
e. Compare and critically reflect on research findings and triangulate these findings with published literature.
This programme adopts continuous and summative methods of assessment including assignments, online tasks, reflective journals, projects and video presentations. For further details, kindly refer to the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy and Procedures.
1. Cohen, L., Manion, L. and Morrison, K., (2018). Research Methods in Education. 8th ed. Routledge
2. Bryman, A., (2004). Social Research Methods. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press
3. Neuman, W. L., (2003). Social Research Methods – Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches. 5th ed. USA: Pearson Education, Inc.
4. Opie, C. & Brown, D. (2019) Getting Started in Your Educational Research: Design, Data Production and Analysis, London: Sage
5. Clough, P., and Nutbrown, C. (2012). A Student’s Guide to Methodology (3 ed.): Sage Publications.
6. Creswell, J. W. (2013). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches: Sage
1. De Vaus, D. A. (2001). Research design in social research: Sage.
2. Crotty, M. (1998). The foundations of social research: Meaning and perspective in the research process: Sage.
3. Tashakkori, A. & Teddie, C., (1998). Mixed Methodology – Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. London: SAGE.
4. Lewis Beck, M. (2004). The SAGE Encyclopaedia of Social Science Research Methods. Sage Publications Ltd.
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