Hotel Operations
This module will equip students with the necessary knowledge, skills and competences about the running of the Hotel Rooms Division department and its functions. This department is often further divided into two specific Hotel sections, each carrying out different, but complimentary, tasks namely, the Front Office department and the House-Keeping department. The content of this module will discuss the daily activities of each of these sections and the composition of the working team and the corresponding responsibilities. The student will learn about the importance of synergy between the two so as to provide the best accommodation experience to their customers. This module provides a continuation to HMED7004 which focuses on Food and Beverage Service and Kitchen Management, both of which are important departments in a Hotel.
By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:
a. Systematically understand key aspects related to the everyday hotel operations, particularly with regard to the Front Office and Housekeeping departments;
b. Critically understand the collaboration required with other managers in decision making processes during Hotel operation;
c. Creatively explain how staff functions and responsibilities are monitored during Hotel daily operation;
d. Deploy originality in the application of knowledge while teaching students about the various job roles within Hotel Operations, staff training and continuous professional development within the departments.
a. Systemically understand key a) Systematically understand key aspects related to the everyday hotel operations, particularly with regard to the Front Office and Housekeeping departments;
b. Critically understand the collaboration required with other managers in decision making processes during Hotel operation;
c. Creatively explain how staff functions and responsibilities are monitored during Hotel daily operation;
d. Deploy originality in the application of knowledge while teaching students about the various job roles within Hotel Operations, staff training and continuous professional development within the departments. methodologies, practices and frameworks within the Hotel Industry;
e. Critically understand the main operations related to the Front Office Department and the Housekeeping Department;
f. Show comprehensive understanding of strengths and weaknesses of a functional organisation;
g. Understand and evaluate the various methodologies and teaching methods related to Hotel Operations in an vocational education environment;
a. Demonstrate critical ability to handle and teach different hotel operations;
b. Apply learnt knowledge to solve current situations pertaining to Hotel Operations;
c. Create a suitable environment within which one can work;
d. Deploy originality in the application of knowledge, skills and competences obtained in this module to teach Hospitality students the relevant topics related to costings and bookkeeping by following the syllabus provided by the local education authority.
This programme adopts continuous and summative methods of assessment including assignments, online tasks, reflective journals, projects and video presentations. For further details, kindly refer to the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy and Procedures.
1. Rutherford, D.G. and O’Fallon, M.J. (2010). Hotel management and operations, 5th ed. Chichester, United Kingdom: John Wiley and Sons.
2. Mullins, L.J. and Dossor, P. (2013). Hospitality management and organisational behaviour, 5th ed. Harlow: Pearson.
The Institute for Education is a Further and Higher Education Institution with Licence number 2016-006
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