Applied Everyday Mathematics
This module will explore how the development of Mathematics is interwoven with the progress of civilization. It examines how Mathematics was the key that provided solutions to problems mankind faced and how its application in art, science and technology influenced the course of history. It will move on to examine how Mathematical skills and their applications are essential for effective functionality in today’s modern society.
By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:
a. Actively involve spectators/learners to observe the world around them and note the relevance of mathematics to everyday life
b. Enable and encourage learners to formulate problems that arise out of real-life situations
c. Recognise how the role of enabler/explainer/educator and spectator/learner is determined by different educational engagement approaches
d. Create authentic tasks that ensure spectators’/learners’ engagement and involvement in their learning through Inquiry Based Learning
e. Analyse the level of difficulty, complexity and cognitive demand of authentic tasks
f. Allow for learner variability by gauging everyday tasks to the level of cognitive ability of the spectators/learners
g. Make connections between different areas of Mathematics and between Mathematics and other subjects in the formulation of authentic tasks
h. Devise rubrics that can be used with authentic tasks for formative evaluation of what the spectator/learner have learnt from the experience.
a. Identify the relationships between authentic task related variables, student learning and application of mathematical knowledge
b. Associate tasks with their learning intentions and success criteria
c. Recognise the advantages of teaching Mathematics through IBL.
d. Develop knowledge of UDL principles that allow for multiple means of representation and engagement
e. Recognise the advantages of building upon prior knowledge and interest of learners
f. Develop knowledge on how to apply formative assessment practices to promote learning, provide feedback and ensure learner engagement
g. Develop knowledge on how to construct rubrics
a. Evaluate the importance of integrating inquiry-based learning into the teaching of Mathematics and other stem subjects.
b. Differentiate between authentic tasks of low/high level difficulty tasks, low/high level complexity tasks and between structured/unstructured tasks.
c. Design unstructured authentic tasks that make mathematics meaningful and enjoyable.
d. Establish a environment of inquiry in which learners experience Mathematics as a subject of exploration.
e. Construct productive tasks that take into account learner’s prior knowledge and learner variability
f. Establish a set of criteria aligned with targeted learning outcomes to consistently evaluate learning
g. Compile rubrics that can be used with authentic tasks
This programme adopts continuous and summative methods of assessment including assignments, online tasks, reflective journals, projects and video presentations. For further details, kindly refer to the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy and Procedures.
1. Brookhart, S, M., & Chen, F. (2014). The Quality and Effectiveness of Descriptive Rubrics. Educational Review, 67(3)
2. Fitzallen, N. (2016). STEM Education: What does Mathematics Have to Offer? University of Tasmania. retrieved from:
3. Foster, C. (2017)
4. Li, Y., & Schoenfeld, A, H. (2019) Problematizing teaching and learning mathematics as ‘given’ in STEM education. International Journal of STEM Education, 6(44)
5. Maaß, K., Reitz-Koncebovski, K. & Billy, G.(ed) (2017). Primas: Promoting Inquiry in Mathematics and Science Across Europe: Inquiry Based Learning in Maths and Science Learning. Final Report. retrieved from
6. National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics and National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (2019) Building Stem Education on a Sound Mathematical Foundation.The Association of International Schhols in Africa. Retrieved from:
7. Nyman, R. (2016). What Makes a Mathematical Task Interesting. Education Research and reviews 11(16), pp. 1509-1520, DOI: 10.5897/ERR2016.2919
8. Pander, E., & Anders, J. (2013). The Use of Scoring Rubrics for Formative Assessment Purposes Revisited: A Review. Educational Reearch Review, 9, 129-144.
9. Sullivan, P., Clarke, B. (2013). Teaching with Tasks for Effective Mathematics Learning, Springer. ISBN 978-1-4614-4680-4
10. Vos, P. (2018). How Real People Really Need Mathematics in the Real World – Authenticity in Mathematics Education. Educational Sciences, 8(195); doi:10.3390/educsci8040195
11. Wake, G. (n.d). Connecting Mathematics with reality: connecting reality with Mathematics. University of Manchester. retrieved from:
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