Puberty, Adolescence and Sexuality for Students with Disabilities
Many researchers tend to neglect and consider how disabilities in adolescents may impact sexuality and the transition to adulthood (Shandra, 2018). Sociosexual development is an essential part of growing up, and emphasis on this aspect of development is especially important for individuals with disabilities as they navigate changing bodies, expectations, and desires (Krahn, Walker and Correa-DeAraujo, 2015). This module shall focus on how the perspectives and discourse surrounding puberty and sexuality are currently being promoted to educators, adolescents with disabilities and their families. Through the presentation of examples in terms of resources, participants will be able to reproduce their own strategies so as to be able to support and address the needs of adolescents with disabilities in relation to puberty and sexuality. Given that sociosexual development requires a collaborative approach by all stakeholders involved in the lives of adolescents with disabilities, this module shall allow participants to engage in reflective thinking to develop and design collaborative, meaningful and inclusive learning experiences for learners.
By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:
a. Produce resources that will support adolescents with disabilities when addressing needs related to puberty and sexuality;
b. Ensure that perspectives surrounding puberty and sexuality are promoted as a positive and empowering experience for adolescents with disabilities, their families, and educators.
c. Collaborate with fellow educators, parents and families on how learners with disabilities may be supported in light of sexuality and puberty.
a. Define the views and establish a position in relation to the perspectives that surround the rights and discourse of sexuality, puberty and persons with disabilities;
b. Systematically understand and critically evaluate Sociosexual Development, an essential part of growing up, particularly for individuals with disabilities;
c. Promote views and resources linked to puberty and sexuality as a positive and empowering experience for adolescents with disabilities, their families, and educators.
d. Identify resources that will support adolescents with disabilities and their parents in the areas of puberty and sexuality;
a. develop own autonomous beliefs with regard to balancing rights and risk discourse on puberty, sexuality and adolescents with disabilities;
b. apply resources in practice to support learners with disabilities in the area;
c. report upon current practice in light of puberty and sexuality and learners with disabilities within educational settings;
d. engage in reflective thinking to develop and design meaningful and inclusive learning experiences for learners with disabilities.
This programme adopts continuous and summative methods of assessment including assignments, online tasks, reflective journals, projects and video presentations. For further details, kindly refer to the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy and Procedures.
1. Grove, L., Morrison-Beedy, D., Kirby, R. et al. (2018), The birds, bees, and special needs: Making evidence-based sex education accessible for adolescents with intellectual disabilities, Sexuality and Disability, 36, pp. 313–329,
2. Houtrow, A., Elias, E. R., Davis, B. E., Kuo, D. Z., Agrawal, R., Davidson, L. F., … & Kuznetsov, A. (2021), Promoting healthy sexuality for children and adolescents with disabilities, Pediatrics, 148(1), pp. 1-14,
3. Sala, G., Hooley, M., Attwood, T. et al. (2019), Autism and intellectual disability: A systematic review of sexuality and relationship education, Sexuality and Disability, 37, pp. 353–382,
4. Shandra, C. (2018), Research on Adolescent Sexuality Should Be Inclusive of Disability, Journal of Adolescent Health, 62(3), pp. 253-254, DOI:
5. Schmidt, E.K., Brown, C. & Darragh, (2020), A scoping review of sexual health education interventions for adolescents and young adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities, Sexuality and Disability 38, pp.439–453,
6. Wu, J., & Zeng, S. (2020), Sexuality education for children and youth with disabilities in Mainland China: Systematic review of thirty years, Children and Youth Services Review, 116,
1. Davies, A. W. J., Balter, A.-S., van Rhijn, T., Spracklin, J., Maich, K., & Soud, R. (2021), Sexuality education for children and youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Canada, Intervention in School and Clinic, pp 1-6,
2. Fei, Y. F., Ernst, S. D., Dendrinos, M. L., & Quint, E. H. (2021), Preparing for puberty in girls with special needs: a cohort study of caregiver concerns and patient outcomes, Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, 34(4), pp. 471-476,
3. Krahn, G.L, Walker, D.K. & Correa-De-Araujo, R. (2015), Persons with disabilities as an unrecognized health disparity population American Journal of Public Health, 105, pp198-206,
4. Onstot, A. (2019), Capacity to consent: Policies and practices that limit sexual consent for people with Intellectual/Developmental disabilities, Sexuality and Disability, 37(4), 633-644.
5. Treacy, A.C., Taylor, S.S. & Abernathy, T.V. (2018), Sexual health education for individuals with disabilities: A call to action, American Journal of Sexuality Education, 13(1), pp. 65-93, DOI: 10.1080/15546128.2017.1399492
6. United Nations (2006) Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) Article 23, Respect for Home and Family, United Nations, Treaty Series
7. United Nations (2006) Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) Article 25, Health, United Nations, Treaty Series
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