
Master in Applied Educational Leadership

MQF Level: 7

ECTS Value: 90 ECTS

​​Start Date: September

Duration: 3 Years

The programme is targeted towards Leaders in Educational settings who wish to upgrade their qualification or are interested in developing their professional knowledge. It is also intended for those professionals who wish to pursue a career as a leader, manager or administrator in an educational setting. The main target audience will thus be current or prospective educational leaders particularly those aiming to become a Head of School.

Further information related to the course outline and modules for cohort starting 2021 and beyond may be accessed through this link​.

Further information related to the course outline and modules for cohorts 2018, 2019 and 2020 may be accessed through this link.

Applicants are required to be in possession of a minimum of ONE of the following: 

1)      A Bachelor of Education (MQF Level 6 with a minimum of 180 ECTS, or equivalent) and evidence of five (5) years teaching experience in a licensed school;


2)      A Bachelor Degree (MQF Level 6 with a minimum of 180 ECTS, or equivalent) and PGCE (or equivalent) and evidence of five (5) years teaching experience in a licensed school;


3)      A Master Degree (MQF Level 7 with a minimum of 90 ECTS, or equivalent) and a Permanent Teacher’s Warrant together with evidence of five (5) years teaching experience in a licensed school;


4)      A full MQF Level 5 qualification in Education (with a minimum of 120 ECTS, or equivalent) in addition to a Permanent Teacher’s Warrant together with evidence of ten (10) years of teaching experience in a licensed school. Applicants applying under this criteria will also be invited for an interview to assess their eligibility for the programme.

By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:


  1. a)Critique and adapt relevant educational theory, practice and policy to better lead one’s organisation;
  2. b)Plan and manage strategies at institutional level to enhance the learning experience of students;
  3. c)Lead the transformation of professional practices in pedagogy and assessment which leads to sustained improvements in teaching and learning within their institution;
  4. d)Critically evaluate organisational practice and make judgements in ones’ professional capacity as an Educational Leader to address and enhance the professional needs of the institution;
  5. e)Initiate projects and communication which promote collaboration among the educational community/ies within one’s school, or a network, to enhance learning and leadership within the educational sector;
  6. f)Make decisions based upon the relevant laws and legislation applicable to the Educational context;
  7. g)Conduct educational research to address identified areas of study relevant to the educational institution that one leads.


  1. a)Demonstrate specialised theoretical and practical knowledge underpinning professional practice within their role as educational leaders;
  2. b)Exhibit a critical understanding of management, inclusive, and reform strategies to lead the enhancement of their own educational organisation as well as engage the wider educational community;
  3. c)Identify effective pedagogy and assessment methods to lead meaningful and sustained improvements in the teaching and learning across the educational institution;
  4. d)Systematically establish challenges and opportunities of accountability and monitoring systems to enhance the quality of the education provision;
  5. e)Display critical awareness of legal issues and implications which arise within the local educational context;
  6. f)Critically appraise research methodologies which may be utilised as a tool for analysing their own educational organisation and addressing issues of direct relevance to own professional practice as leaders.


  1. a)   Apply specialised theoretical and practical knowle​dge underpinning professional practice related to the field of Educational leadership and Management;
  2. b)Reflect and assess practices and their success in leading educators to effectively engage learners and the community while addressing the needs of individuals within the classroom;
  3. c)Reflect on, and establish the most effective pedagogical and assessment methods to achieve the best educational improvement within the organization;
  4. d)Critically evaluate and review challenges and opportunities present at their institutions towards enhancing the quality of education within one’s organisation;
  5. e)Critically understand legal issues, implications and relevant legislation applicable to the running of an educational institution;
  6. f)  Utilise and adapt research methodology to address issues related to educational leadership and management;

This programme adopts an online approach to teaching and learning. Information related to the structure and delivery of the module may be accessed through the specific programme outline available above. For further details, kindly refer to the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy and Procedures​The language of instruction and assessment is English with the exception of Maltese used in modules specific to the Maltese language or as otherwise prescribed.​

This programme adopts continuous and summative methods of assessment including assignments, online tasks, reflective journals, projects and video presentations. For further details, kindly refer to the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy and Procedures.


Upon successful completion of this programme, participants will be conferred a Master in Applied Educational Leadership accredited and recognised by the National Commission for Further and Higher Education.

 Participants are also offered the opportunity to exit the programme with a Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Educational Leadership (30 ECTS) or a Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Educational Leadership (60 ECTS) following successful completion of the required credits.

This course serves as part of the requirements to apply for the position of Head of School of the general education sector. It may also provide access to further studies at MQF Level 8.

 Target Audience     

 Educators and anyone holding the eligibility criteria as indicated in the various courses

Ages 18+

Applications for the Master in Applied Educational Leadership programme open mid-May of each year with programmes commencing the following September​. 

When open, interested applicants may apply through the Institute for Education’s online portal: 

International course participants who intend to move to Malta for study reasons, for the duration of the programme, require an authorisation from Identity Malta in order to be able to study locally.

For any queries related to the Admissions process kindly contact [email protected]​​​

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