
PSCD Original and Theoretical Framework

MQF Level: 7

ECTS Value: 5 ECTS

Self Study Hours: 60

Contact Hours: 25

Assessment Hours: 40


Overall Objectives and Outcomes

This module will present PSCD in a holistic educational setup and will consist of two parts. The first part will deal with the historical background of the PSCD subject whilst the second will cover the philosophical, psychological and sociological theoretical framework that guide the PSCD subject and practice.

By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:


a. Develop critical knowledge on the origins of the PSCD subject and practice.

b. Critically evaluate the philosophical, psychological and sociological theories that guide the PSCD practice.

c. Establish the difference between PSCD and other subjects in terms of origins and theoretical framework.


a. Comprehend and appreciate the historical background of the development of the PSCD subject;

b. Outline the critical theories that guide the PSCD educator.

c. Establish the connections between all theories presented during the lectures.


a. Systematically comprehend the PSCD journey that led to the subject that we have today.

b. Instigate discussion in relation to the strengths and possible weaknesses of the theories related to PSCD.

c. Propose and apply theoretical knowledge and approaches in PSCD.

Assessment Methods

This module will be assessed through: Discussion Forums, Presentation, Peer-Feedback.

Suggested Readings

Core Reading List
  1. Bezzina, A. (2016). Personal and social development practice at the University of Malta. Mauritius: Lambert Academic Publishing.
  2. Bezzina, A. (2018). Personal and social development within a European neo-liberal Maltese Education System. In Attard Tonna, M. & Madalinska-Michelak, J. (Eds.). Teacher education policy and practice – International perspectives and inspirations (pp.288-314). Warsaw: Foundation for the Development of the Education System.
  3. Falzon, R., & Muscat, M. (2009). Personal and social development in a small island community: Presenting the Maltese democratic model. Journal of the European Teacher Education Network4, 9-26.
  4. Tileston, D. W. (2014). Teaching strategies for active learning: Five essentials for your teaching plan. Corwin Press.
  5. Vickery, A. (2013). Developing active learning in the primary classroom. Sage.
Supplementary Reading List:
  1. Jarvis, P. (2006). The theory and practice of teaching. (2nd). USA: Routledge.
  2. Debono, E. (1994). Teach your child to think. USA: Penguin.
  3. Heron, J. (2002). The complete facilitators handbook. London: Kogan Page.
  4. Hopson, B. & Scally, M. (1978). Lifeskills teaching. UK: McGraw Hill Book Company.
  5. Nelson-Jones, R. (1991). Lifeskills: A handbook. London: Cassell Educational Limited.
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