
Communicating with Parents

MQF Level: 6

ECTS Value: 2 ECTS

Self Study Hours: 24

Contact Hours: 10

Assessment Hours: 16


Overall Objectives and Outcomes

Schools in the 21st century have become more diverse than ever before. Understanding the learners’ and hence the parents’ familial, cultural, socio-economic backgrounds is of the essence. Involving and collaborating effectively with parents, as important stakeholders, is crucial for the success of any school. Greater parental involvement leads to greater success in the child. 

By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:


a. Collaborate with other participants in devising a parental plan;

b. Produce new possibilities of involvement and collaboration for one’s school;

c. Create a plan to involve and collaborate with parents.


a. List methods of parental involvement and collaboration with parents;

b. Describe the school’s vision vis-à-vis parents.


a. Research on how others have involved and collaborated with parents;

b. Create opportunities for parental learning;

c. Describe parental wishes for their children.

Assessment Methods

This module will be assessed through: Online Activities and Journal.

Suggested Readings

Core Reading List
  1. Jeynes, William H. (2014) Parental Involvement That Works … Because It’s Age-Appropriate, Kappa Delta Pi Record, 50:2, 85-88.
  2. Lindon, J. (2012) Parents as Partners. London: MA Education Ltd.
  3. Neymotin, F. (2014) How Parental Involvement Affects Childhood Behavioral Outcomes J Fam Econ Iss (2014) 35:433–451.
Supplementary Reading List
  1. Celeste Y. M. Yuen • Alan C. K. Cheung (2014) School engagement and parental involvement: the case of cross-border students in Singapore Aust. Educ. Res. (2014) 41:89–107
  2. Wheeler, H. & Connor, J. (2008) Parents, Early Years and Learning. Activities book for childminders. London: National
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