
Teaching Physical Education in the Primary Classroom

ECTS Value: 1 ECTS


Overall Objectives and Outcomes

This module will focus on methodology such that the content is made accessible to all
learners. In particular, there will be a main emphasis on differentiation given the big
individual differences amongst learners at this level. PE will need to cater for ALL learners
and so the teacher needs to adapt the teaching skills according to the needs of the individual
learner. Different areas of PE will be used to show how such a pedagogical tool can be

By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:


a. Exercise a good understanding of experiential and discovery learning within a learner-centred approach;
b. Represent each individual through differentiated learning and strategies.


a. Systematically differentiate between a learner and a teacher-centred approach;
b. Formulate a list of differentiating factors focusing on content, process & product;
c. Demonstrate how readiness and individual level of the player need to be assessed;
d. Design practical sessions that help and promote individual differences;
e. Transform the session to become more learner-centred.


a. Evaluate the progress of each learner;
b. Measure the learner’s learning within a fun environment;
c. Support learner development and help him/her;
d. Reframe a teacher centred-session into a learner-centred session.


Assessment Methods

This programme adopts continuous and summative methods of assessment including assignments, online tasks, reflective journals, projects and video presentations. For further details, kindly refer to the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy and Procedures.

Suggested Readings

Core Reading List

1) Colquitt, G., Pritchard, T., Johnson, C. & McCollum, S. (2017) Differentiating Instruction in Physical Education: Personalization of Learning Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance 88, (7), 44-50.
2) Whipp, P., Taggart, A. & Jackson, B. (2014) Differentiation in outcome-focused physical education: pedagogical rhetoric and reality. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy. 19, (4), 370-382.
3) Ellis, K., Lieberman, L. & Le Roux, D (2009) Using differentiated instruction in Physical Education. Palaestra 24(4), 19-23.
4) The PE Hub Available at [Accessed on 18 December 2017]
5) Walsh, J (2007) Differentiated Instruction in Physical Education. Ontario Physical Education. Available at [Accessed on 17 December 2017]

Supplementary Reading List

1) Colquitt, G., Pritchard, T. Johnson, C., McCollum S. Differentiating Instruction in Physical Education: Personalization of Learning JOPERD,
August 2017.
2) PE Department – Differentiation Policy. Available at
[Accessed on 17 December 2017]
3) Schwartz, M. Best Practices in Experiential Learning. Available at

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