Digital Skills Enhancement (DigiSET)
Key Action: Cooperation partnerships in school education
Start Date: 03-04-2022
Duration: 24 months
- Applicant Organisation: BIT Media E-Solutions GmbH, Austria
- Partner Organisation: Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule, Wien / Krems, Austria
- Partner Organisation: Inspectoratul Scolar Al Judetului, Romania
- Partner Organisation: M.I.T e-Solutions GmbH, Germany
- Partner Organisation: Paedagogische Hochschule Karlsruhe, Germany
- Partner Organisation: Institute for Education – Malta
Aim of the Project
The project DigiSET aims to foster the development of digital skills among teachers, teacher trainee students and their lecturers based on the Digital Competence Framework for Educators (DigCompEdu). The project was developed since some teachers might find it very challenging to transfer their teaching methods into an online learning format. Moreover, teacher trainee students might be expected to be able to use digital technology in terms of teaching. However, it remains unclear to what extent teachers or teacher trainee students are equipped with ICT knowledge. The project, therefore, intends to provide an opportunity for those involved in teaching and learning to reflect on the current and future needs for the effective implementation of digital education.
The DigiSET project will be carried out in three phases:
Phase I: Assessment of digital skills of teachers and teacher trainee students
Phase II: Development of e-learning materials for digital skills improvement
Phase III: Measurement of acquired competences